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Reducing Misunderstandings On the Path to Development

来源:CHINAFOREX 2018 Issue 4

The Sino-US relationship may be at a turning point. Some seasoned observers contend that the Sino-US relationship needs to be repositioned rather than maintained in its original form. The extent of this change which stems from real differences between the two parties remains to be seen.

Conflicts arise from differences. The United Statesthe largest developed countryis a leader of international rulemaking and a pace-setter for the world's advancement. It is often referred to in this part of the world as the "Big Boss." Chinathe largest developing countryis a young and promising national power. Through its policy of reform it is closing the gap with the USranking second in terms of economic aggregates. The United States feels it is under threat from this rapidly advancing rival. China derives much of its inspiration and encouragement from following the path of US development. But potential misjudgments from both sides stem from severe tensions and conflicts between the two countries.

The gaps in the development of the two countries are substantial. China has successfully achieved economic take-offcontinuing to grow at a rapid pace for more than three decades. Benefiting from the integration of its economy into the global supply chainChina has undergone substantial developmentemerging from poverty and reaching prosperity by drawing from the experience of developed countriesespecially the United States. However阅读全部文章,请登录数字版阅读账户。 没有账户? 立即购买数字版杂志