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China's Foreign Trade— Time for a Reality Check

来源:CHINAFOREX 2018 Issue 4

China's foreign trade has so far avoided a serious impact from the Sino-US trade dispute thanks to the sustained recovery of the world economy and the steady growth of global merchandise trade much of this year. While a truce has been called in the disputethere is no longer term resolution. For the time beingthe economy has generally maintained strong growth momentum. The pattern of trade is being optimizedand gains have been made in industrial restructuring. Neverthelessthere are near-term and long-term challenges that need to be addressed. China is facing possible adverse effects from a global economic downturn and its likely impact on trade. It is reasonable to prepare for a setback to global trade. In the longer term there will be adjustments in global trade. China should strive to boost investment and embrace advanced technology that meets the demands of the digital economy. The following essay takes a close look at these challenges and how China should respond.

China's foreign trade saw unexpected growth in October. Exports reached 1,490.71 billion yuanup 17.8%and imports were 1,257.09 billion yuanup 20.3%. Nearly 70% of the increase in gross import and export values reflected expanded volumes. Although import growth slowed slightly compared with the 22.3% year on year rise  in Septemberit reached a record high for the year in value terms. Exports had an even bettFer performancewith growth reaching a four-year high.

The trade increase topped expectations as a result of several factors. External demand was buoyed by the strength of the global economya weaker renminbi against the dollarand the use of export rebates. Exporters may have also tried to speed up shipments to avoid punitive tariffs.

While imports and exports have risenthe trade surplus has narrowed. The surplus was 233.63 billion yuan in October 2018. Although it has continued to rise since Augustit was down 5.1% year on year. The trade surplus from January to October of this year stood at 1,658.8 billion yuandown 26%. The surplus in October in dollar terms was US$34.02 billiondown 7.8%and the cumulative surplus was US$254.2 billiona 22.3% decline.

China's exports to the US rose 13.1% to US$42.7 billion in October while imports from the US reached US$10.94 billiona slight drop of 1.8%. China's exports to the US in the first 10 months of 2018 amounted to US$392.1 billionup 13.3%and imports from the US were US$133.98 billionup 8.5%. China's trade surplus with the US stood at US$31.8 billion in Octoberup 19.4% over the same period last year. For the January-October period it totaled US$258.1 billionup 15.8% from a year ago.

Despite the strong rebound in tradethe role of China's net exports in total output growth has declined. Although the contribution to GDP and the pull factor of net exports of goods and services rose 1 percentage point and 0.1 percentage pointrespectivelyin the third quarter compared with a year agothey remained negative at -9.7% and -0.6%. The role of net exports has fallen since the outset of the financial crisis in 2008 when external demand declined significantly. Domestic factors such as China's effort to adjust its industrial structure and transform its development mode have also played a role in the weaker contribution of net exports to total output and overall economic growth. Even China's overall dependence on foreign trade has been reduced. Economic growth is more driven by domestic demandespecially consumptionrather than investment. This shift has had a positive significance for China in the face of a potential long-term downturn in the economy. It has spurred the shift from "quantitative change to qualitative change" as China strives for high-quality development.

The shift can be seen from the following data. China's net exports of goods and services accelerated from 423.56 billion yuan to more than 2.34 trillion yuan from 2004 to 2007 (valued at the then-prevailing exchange rates). Its compound annual growth rate was 68%much higher than the nominal GDP growth rate of the same period. The proportion of net exports of goods and services in GDP also increased rapidlyfrom 2.6% to a peak of 8.6% in 2007. Howeverafter the outbreak of the financial crisisexcept for a slight rebound in 2015the proportion declined. China's net exports accounted for only 1.97% of total output in 2017the lowest level in more than 20 years. Though the contribution rate and pull factor for net exports to GDP growth in that year hit a new post-financial crisis highthey were only 9.1% and 0.6%respectively. Meanwhilethe average contribution of final consumption expenditure to the growth in China's total output has increased from about 45% in the years around the financial crisis to 60% or so in recent years. Over the same timethe average contribution of investment to total output growth decreasedfalling from about 60% to less than 40%.  The contribution of investment to GDP growth as high as 86% in 2009 dropped to 32% in 2017down by more than 50 percentage points.

China has already made significant achievements in industrial upgrading and the transformation of its development mode to one that is more innovation-drivenaccording to the National Bureau of Statistics. China's final consumption expenditure contributed 78% to economic growth in the first three quarters of 201846 percentage points higher than the contribution from investment. As for consumptionthe proportion of service consumption continued to increasewhich led to the rapid development of tertiary industry. The proportion of added value of tertiary industry in GDP reached 53% in the first three quartersnearly 13 percentage points higher than that of secondary industry. Investment in high-tech manufacturing increased by nearly 15% year on yearnearly 10 percentage points faster than the growth in gross investment.

Optimized Structure

In addition to the above quantitative changesChina's foreign trade is undergoing some positive structural shifts.

China's trade surplus has gradually narrowed since the end of 2015 and the trend is expected to continue. China has taken the initiative to expand imports in the recent yearsand imports have begun to grow faster than exports. The seasonally adjusted growth rate of imports has been about 7 percentage points higher than that of exports each month since August 2016. The trade surplus in October 2018 touched 233 billion yuandown 40% from the peak level over the past seven years. It is expected that China's total imports of goods and services will exceed US$30 trillion and US$10 trillion over the next 15 yearsrespectively. This will promote the transformation of China's development mode and expand the nation's contribution to global trade and world economic growth.

China has also made progress in advancing its trade with countries besides the US. Trade with Russiathe European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations increased by 19.4%7.3% and 12.6%respectivelyin the first three quarters of this year. Trade with the countries participating in the "Belt and Road" program also gained momentum. The growth in trade with Poland and Kazakhstan rose 11.9% and 11.8%respectively. The same period saw growth of only 6.5% for trade with the US. Trade with the "Belt and Road" countries was 3.3 percentage points higher than trade overall while trade with Africa was 3.9 percentage points higher and trade with Latin America was 3.8 percentage points higher.

Furthermoreforeign trade has seen an increased role for the private sector while the contribution from the nation's central and western regions has been advancing. The import and export volume from China's private sector reached 8.77 trillion yuan since the beginning of the yearan increase of 12.9% over the previous year. The volume accounted for nearly 40% of China's total imports and exports in value terms. The foreign trade of 12 provinces and cities in China's western region and 6 provinces and cities in the central region has increased by 16.3% and 13.9%respectively. That exceeds the national average growth rate by 6.4 percentage points and 4 percentage points.

Lastlyimprovement in the quality of foreign trade has been steady. China's general tradewhich has a lengthy industrial chain and has high added valuewitnessed a 13.5% growth rate in the first three quartersapproximately 4 percentage point

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