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The Renminbi Exchange Rate – Reducing Risk Amid Heightened Volatility

来源:CHINAFOREX 2018 Issue 4

The renminbi's exchange rate has been subjected to new market factors such as the ongoing Sino-US trade friction and differences between monetary policy in China and the US. These factors have contributed to heightened levels of volatility. These developments have attracted the attention of market players this year. To assess these new market factors and determine how Chinese companies can reduce foreign exchange riskChina Forex spoke with Li Liuyangchief foreign exchange analyst of the financial market department at China Merchants Bank. Mr Li contends that although the renminbi exchange rate has experienced more volatility on increased trading this yearthe overall trend has been steady and positive. Following are excerpts from that interview.

China Forex: Sino-US trade friction and changes in monetary policy have increased market attention on the renminbi exchange rate. What is your view of the trading environment? What new features do you see in the market?

Li Liuyang: Generally speakingthe renminbi exchange rate has displayed three new features. Firstit has become more difficult to predict the renminbi exchange rate due to two-way fluctuations. The exchange rate has become more sensitive to domestic and global factors alike. Since the second half of 2016the US dollar has shown a roller coaster pattern of appreciation followed by depreciation and then appreciation once more. Correspondinglywith the new parity calculation  mechanismthe renminbi exchange rate has basically followed the fluctuations in a basket of currenciesshowing a trend of depreciation followed by appreciation and then depreciation again against the US dollar.

In the second half of this yearrising Sino-US trade friction became an important factor affecting the renminbi exchange rate. After the US unveiled its findings from an investigation of China's policies and practices related to technology transfersintellectual property and innovation under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974each development in the trade environment has had an impact on the renminbi exchange rate. In additionthis year's macroeconomic situationchanges in monetary policy in both countriescurrency woes in emerging marketsEuropean political turmoil have all had some effect on the foreign exchange market. The renminbi exchange rate is becoming more and more market-orientedand thus susceptible to short-term swings.

Fortunatelythe international balance of payments has remained stable. Domestic companies have demonstrated greater adaptability than in the past in the face of these complex factors. From the perspective of cross-border income and expenditurethe deficits in the banks' foreign exchange settlements and receipts and payments on behalf of clients have narrowed significantly this year compared with a year ago. The deficits in collections and payments on behalf of clients are much lower than those of 2015 and 2016. There has been less pressure from demand for foreign exchange. The nation's policies of opening up the capital market has encouraged international investors to increase investment in China. Greater currency swings have been evident but they have not deterred the inflow of investment funds.

Another market feature this year is that foreign exchange hedging by corporates has increased. Chinese companies with cross-border business have had a greater desire to work with banks to use exchange rate derivatives for risk management purposes. According to statisticsmore than 100 companies listed on the A-share market have announced new foreign exchange hedging operations. These companies have a lot of foreign currency business in their daily operations. With the gradual shift in the renminbi towards a floating exchange rateexchange rate risks have been growing. Many more companies have therefore conducted foreign exchange hedging transactions this year.

China Forex: In the face of new developments in the foreign exchange marketwhat strategies can companies adopt in order to avoid exchange rate risks?

Li Liuyang: Exchange rate movements have had a profound impact on enterprises. Exchange rate fluctuations can determine profit or loss. A company that operates in a stable fashion will not aim at generating profits from exchange rate fluctuations. Insteadcompanies should be seeking to avoid uncertainties caused by exchange rate movements in order to protect their profits. Many factors can affect a company's ability to achieve its annual financial targets. Exchange rate risk management aims to take appropriate measures to manage exchange rate risks.

As far as the specific strategy of exchange rate risk management is concernedit can be divided into two strategiesnamely natural hedging and market hedging.

Natural hedging refers to the exchange rate risk hedging by means of a combination of balance sheets or certain businesses that are negatively related to exchange rate risk. There are several ways to do this.

Firstit increases gross profit margins by reducing production costs or increasing sales pricesproviding room to accommodate exchange rate fluctuations.

Secondit is the preservation of value by price markups and value preservation by price markdowns. When signing a contractespecially a longer term contractit is necessary to include a clause stating the right to adjust contract prices according to exchange rate fluctuations within a period of time.

Thirdsettlement should be made in a favorable currency. The collection of funds should be done in a currency that has a prospect of appreciation while payment should be made in a currency that could see depreciation.

Fourthyou can make use of a combination of strong and weak currencies. Especially in the long-term contractsexchange rate risks can be hedged to some extent by negative correlation in income in different currencies.

Fifthit is the combination of trade financing instrumentssuch as foreign exchange prepaymentsthe use of draft bills factoringforfaiting and the likein orde

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