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New Policy Boost for Panda Bond Market

来源:CHINA FOREX 2019 Issue 1

The panda bond market has been gaining momentum in recent years as more overseas companiesfinancial institutions and international agencies look to raise renminbi funds. New additions to the regulatory framework ¨C put in place over the last six months -- are likely to give the market a further boost.

In Septemberthe People's Bank of China and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of Issuance of Foreign Institutional Bonds in the National Interbank Bond Market (People's Bank of China/Ministry of Finance Circular 162018) and in Januarythe National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) issued the Guidelines for the Operation of Offshore Financing Instruments for Non-financial Enterprises (Draft)" (the Business Guidelines). Circular 16 divides the issuers of panda bonds into four categoriesnamely foreign government agenciesinternational development agenciesoverseas financial institutionsand overseas non-financial corporate legal persons. MeanwhileCircular 16 sets procedural rulessuch as the conditions for issuanceissuance proceduresand information disclosure requirementsproviding operational norms for all types of issuers. Moreoverthe Business Guidelines further clarify the conditions for registration by foreign non-financial companies that issue panda bonds.

Circular 16 and the Business Guidelines are the first systematic policy measures put in place for the interbank bond market since the pilot launch of panda bonds in October 2005. The regulations coordinate the policies of the People's Bank of Chinathe State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)the Ministry of Finance and the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII). They embody the experience of panda bond issuance management over the past few years and offer a foundation for the future development of these securities on the domestic interbank bond market.

Market Expansion

In 2005the International Finance Corporation and the Asian Development Bank issued bonds of 1.13 billion yuan and 1 billion yuan in China's interbank bond marketushering in the panda bond market. Since then the pool of panda bond issuers has become increasingly diversifiedand panda bonds have tapped into the interbank bond market as well as domestic stock exchanges.

According to financial information platform Wind32 entities issued 58 panda bonds on the interbank and securities exchange bond markets in 2018up 56.7% from 2017with total issues worth 95.59 billion yuanan increase of 26.4%.

The interbank market still dominates. In 2018a total of 43 panda bond offers were made on the interbank marketraising 74.66 billion yuanaccounting for nearly 80% of the total market value. The poor performance of the stock exchange market was partly due to the strict rules imposed by regulatory authorities on debt financing by real estate companies.

In 2018panda bond issuers fell into three groupsnamely government agenciesfinancial institutions and non-financial companies. Among themnon-financial companies were the majoritywith a total of 49 issuancesaccounting for 84.5% of the total. These companies were engaged in real estateenergymanufacturingtransportand construction among other industries.

Maturities have also been extended. The term of panda bonds issued in 2018 was mostly three to five yearswith a sharp decline in one-year debt. This probably was due to efforts to reduce refinancing risks.

Additionallythe Belt and Road Initiativea key infrastructure programhelped boost the issuance of panda bonds. In 2018panda bonds were issued by three foreign governments participating in the programnamely the PhilippinesHungary and the United Arab Emirates. A number of panda bond issuers used the funds for projects under the Belt and Road Initiative. For examplethe funds of the "18 Zhaoshang R1" bonds issued by China Merchants Port Holdings Co.Ltd.were intended for use in the acquisition of the Bentota Port in Sri Lanka; and the funds of the "18GLPR1" bonds issued by ProLogis China Holdings Ltd were to be used to acquire logistics infrastructure facilities in Europe.

New PolicyNew Opportunities

By comparisonCircular 16 has clarified a number of issues related to panda bonds on the interbank marketlooking at issuersissuance conditionsand accounting standards. In this regardthe author examined the changes in the panda bond issuance system on the interbank market from Circular 16 (See Table 1 for details). In additionin view of the Business Guidelinesthe issuance of foreign non-financial corporate issuers is divided into two segments - targeted bond issues and non-targeted issues. Relevant registration conditionsproceduresregistration documentsuse of fund

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