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Trade Finance and Foreign Trade Stabilization

来源:CHINA FOREX 2019 Issue 2

The renminbi was made convertible on the current account in 1996. Since that watershed policy shiftcurrent account foreign exchange management has been guided by the principles of convertibility and business facilitation. Authorities have also sought to spur innovation and improve their management measures to provide sufficient freedom and convenience for cross-border fund settlements. China Forex interviewed Sun Jianbogeneral manager of the international business department at China Construction Bankto assess these policies and review their impact on day to day operations. According to the bank executiveefforts to facilitate current account transactions have kept pace with market requirements. These efforts also demonstrate how foreign exchange management supports the development of the real economy by streamlining administrationdelegating authorityproviding proper management and optimizing service. Commercial banks still need to adopt modern technology and strengthen their ability to serve the real economy in order to play an active role in maintaining the stability of foreign trade. They must also improve their internal management mechanism and ensure foreign exchange regulatory compliance.

China Forex: For many yearsforeign exchange management related to the current account has been guided by the principle of upholding convertibility and facilitating legitimate business transactions. How effective has China's current account management been in achieving these objectives?

Sun Jianbo: Reforms in the goods trade in 2012 and the service trade in 2013 were major initiatives that promoted easier policies on the current account. Banks have increasingly become aware of the effects of these reforms in their daily business operations. The revamping of current account regulations has provided a clearer basis for financial institutions to handle daily transactions. At the same timethe rules clarify the responsibilities of financial institutions and strengthen due diligence requirements for  reviews by financial institutions. In additionimport and export verification will be integrated to enhance convenience for enterprises. At presentcurrent account facilitation is moving ahead with the times along with a deepening of the reform programand this has achieved remarkable results.

China Forex: There is a new business model for foreign trade. Innovation in foreign tradesuch as cross-border e-commerceopens up new areas of potential in international business for commercial banks. In your opinionwhat should commercial banks do to actively explore new possibilities in these areas? What has China Construction Bank (CCB) done in response to the facilitation measures of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) in support of the development of new formats for foreign trade?

Sun Jianbo: It is important for commercial banks to support the new business model of foreign trade in order to implement the directives of the Communist Party's Central Committee aimed at stabilizing  foreign trade and serving the real economy. The new foreign trade format includes cross-border e-commercemarket procurementoverseas warehousesand foreign trade enterprises that provide comprehensive services. In recent years it has become a driving force in the development of the nation's foreign tradewith a growth rate that far exceeds that of traditional foreign trade. In order to grasp the development opportunitiesChina Construction Bank has integrated online and offline services. Its cross-border e+ platform provides foreign trade enterprises with foreign exchange settlement servicessuch as foreign exchange salesinternational income and expenditure reportingtrade financeand account management. At the same timethe bank has actively worked with the Department of Port Control at the General Administration of Customsbecoming the first bank to sign a cooperation agreement that has resulted in direct system linkagesupporting the construction of a single window for China's international trade. Companies no longer need to submit paper data or scanned documentsand this improves efficiency in processing trade-related information.

In supporting the development of new formats of tradeSAFE has actively tried to improve its regulatory management model and the way it interacts with market players. Firstin step with SAFE's efforts to make it easier to comply with regulatory requirementsChina Construction Bank has implemented trial verification of electronic documents of foreign exchange receipts and payments related to the trade in goods. This has made greater convenience available to high-caliber enterprises. The bank has vigorously promoted the introduction of e-banking channels and encouraged the adoption of online toolssuch as mobile bankingself-service terminals and other electronic channels in handling foreign exchange settlement of various kinds.

China Construction Bank has been actively participating in the construction of a cross-border business blockchain service platformproviding support in technical requirements and applications. CCB was  part of the first group of banks approved for participation in the pilot program. CCB also created a successful online banking interface with the foreign exchange monitoring system for internet-based trade in goods. That in turn has improved business processing efficiency with better risk control.

China Forex: On January 22019SAFE announced pilot programs for trade facilitation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as well as Shanghai and Zhejiang Province. What is your assessment of the pilot programs? What should commercial banks do in order to actively participate in this pilot program? What attempts have been made by CCB to enhance international business?

Sun Jianbo: The implementation of the pilot policy for facilitating the goods trade serves as a vivid manifestation of foreign exchange management reforms supporting the development of the real economy. This has been achieved through streamlining administrati

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