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Blockchain and Banking: An Analysis of Cross-border Payments in Trade Finance

来源:CHINA FOREX 2019 Issue 3

Blockchain has gained widespread attention around the globe and has been seen as potentially disrupting the traditional banking landscapeparticularly trade finance.  The innovative concept brings efficiencydecentralizationautomationand security. It has the capacity to ensure certainty in cross-border paymentsenable transparency in the movement of trade assetsand facilitate the flow of trade receivables. This article aims to explore the feasibility of blockchain technologies in trade finance from the following aspects: firstcomparing traditional cross-border payment forms with existing platforms by analyzing the pros and cons of traditional payment tools; secondconducting an in-depth analysis of blockchain technologies by the use of navigation of the core techniques of Ripple; thirdcontrasting the application of blockchain in the financial industry in China and the USand lastlyanalyzing recent developments of the application of blockchain in cross-border payments and offering some suggestions for further research.

According to a recent report by consultants McKinsey and Co.cross-border payment flows totaled more than $150 trillion over the 2013 - 2017 period. Most of this was ultimately driven by consumerseven though it was directly generated by businesses. The payments industry recorded over $200 billion in revenue from services provided to payers and payees in 2017 alone. Currentlymost cross-border payments are routed via the messaging protocol for the execution of transactions by SWIFT (the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications). Despite the great benefits generated by SWIFTwhich offers a standard messaging format and a relatively secure networkmany banks and their customers alike still feel that it cannot meet increasing demands in terms of efficiencycost and security.

As financial technologies make rapid advancesFinTech companies are emerging and employing the latest distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) as well as cryptocurrencies. The term “blockchain” originally referred to the distributed ledger technology underlying the digital currencybitcoin. Blockchain consists of a ledger shared across every computer in a given network. When one party seeks to transfer bitcoin to another partythe payer enters a security code and initiates the transaction. Thenthe computers in the network use sophisticated algorithms to verify and clear the transaction. A record of the transaction is then “stored in a block which is linked to the preceding block,” thereby updating the blockchain.

The reason why blockchain can be applied to the banking industryparticularly cross-border settlementis that it features massive capacitybetter securityimmutabilityand faster settlement. Firstlyblockchain can increase the capacity of the networkthrough which large quantities of banking transactions can be processed within seconds.  Blockchain tends to have better security because there is no single point of failure to shut down the network. Howevereven the highest levels of our existing financial system have been vulnerable to hacks. In July 2018for examplea Russian bank was hacked and millions of US dollars were transferred as a result of suspected vulnerabilities of the SWIFT system. The most infamous incident involved the theft of millions of dollars from the Bangladesh central bank – also via the SWIFT network. Blockchain can create immutable ledgerswhich can sharply reduce the potential for fraud. Lastlytraditional cross-border payment is comparatively slowwith settlement times often taking hours or even days. This is the main reason why most financial institutions are willing to upgrade their systems. Blockchain can reduce the time required for cross-border settlement to several secondsgreatly enhancing the efficiency of business transactions.

Technical Analysis - SWIFT and Ripple

As the heavyweight in cross-border paymentSWIFT has a strong advantage in the reach of its network. Employing its messaging platformproducts and servicesSWIFT can connect more than 11,000 banking and securities organizationscorporate customers and market infrastructure entities in more than 200 countries and territories.

The original services provided by SWIFT are composed of a messaging platformmessage processed computer systemand precise messaging standards. Howeverfor half a century the fundamental feature for SWIFT has remained unchangednamelythe intermediary platform for international banks around the globe. Conventionallythe procedure of cross-border payment is demonstrated as follows: SWIFT plays the role of message transferring rather than effecting funds directly to system participants. Each banking institutionwhich needs to make cross-border paymentmust be a SWIFT member. Members pay annual fees in order to support the building of correspondent banking relationships within the SWIFT network.

Neverthelesswith the advent of new technologies like big data and blockchainSWIFT cannot meet the expectations from both individual enterprises and banking conglomerates in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. And as stated earlierSWIFT has had its problems with security breaches. In summarySWIFT has been playing the role of an intermediary much like a clearing house. That is true today despite recent reports of developments in a “Global Payment Innovation,” which is said to improve the efficiency and transparency of cross-border payments.

What differs from conventional cross-border payments is the application of blockchain technologywhich has transformed cross-border payment in a disruptive manner. As Don & Alex Tapscottauthors of The Blockchain Revolution (2016) have written“The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.” What constitutes a blockchain is nothing but “nodes” connecting a network as a whole. As indicated belowdistributed ledgers can be connected without the need of an intermediary. Business transactions can be processed through distributed ledgersand this increases efficiencyreduces operating costs and makes transactions traceable.

Ripple Companyas the largest and most successful operating supplier of cross-border paymentshas developed inter ledger protocol (ILP)which resembles the internet http protocol.

ILP brings new efficiency by enabling real-time settlementensuring transaction certainty and removing settlement risk. Ripple’s software also includes data-rich messaging between all transacting parties – delivering a real-time payment experience to end users.

The blockchain technologies within Ripple and the recent developments in technologies within SWIFT can be compared in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Generally speakingRipple tops SWIFT in terms of efficiencycost reductionand security.

Analysis of Blockchain Technology

According to Wikipedia“A block chain is a decentralizeddistributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computersso that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network.” Moreover“Ripple is a real-time gross settlement systemcurrency exchange and remittance network created by the Ripple Company. Also called the Ripple Transaction Protocol (RTXP) or Ripple protocolit is built upon a distributed open source internet protocolconsensus ledger. ”

There has been criticism that Ripple is not truly decentralized because it maintains a trusted Unique Node List (UNL) and Ripple has centralized control over the nodes. But it is our understanding that Ripple still uses the basics of blockchain technology.

Although Ripple has its own cryptocurrency called XRPit is totally independent of the Ripple network for the transfer of dollarseurosor even frequent flyer miles. And there is huge enthusiasm for Ripple as opposed to Bitcoin. Banks are actually making use of Ripple technology –  rather than the cryptocurrency – to make transactions.

Ripple maintains a trusted UNL (Unique Node List) that is meant to protect against potentially malicious or insecure validating servers. And this is what leads to criticism that Ripple is not really blockchain technology. Because they argue that Ripple has a list of trusted nodesit can complete transactions within secondswhile bitcoin often requires 10 or more minutes. But Ripple uses another algorithm that allows the achievement of consensus on collectively trusted sub-networks within a larger network. This is just a novel algorithm that avoids failures and doesn’t mean Ripple is not blockchain.

Currentlythere are 43 members of the Ripple network while some 100 banks work with Ripple on a consulting basis as compared to SWIFT's 11,000 financial institutions. It is belie

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