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Encouraged Areas for Foreign Investment

来源:CHINA FOREX 2019 Issue 3

In JuneChina’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued three documents to encourage foreign investmentreducing the scope of sectors barred to foreigners and expanding areas where investment is encouraged. The three policy documents -- the Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Foreign Investment Access (2019 Edition)the Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Foreign Investment Access to the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (2019 Edition)and the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (2019 Edition) -- all took effect on July 302019.

The latest Negative List – which denotes areas where foreigners cannot legally invest – has been made considerably shorter than in the pastwhile the Encouraged Cataloguewhich covers areas where the government promotes foreign participation in the economyhas been expanded.

Improved Regulatory Framework

Prior to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in November 2012foreign investment in China was regulated under the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment.  The Catalogue set out three broad categories for foreign investment: encouragedrestricted and prohibited. In the following year a new approach was adopted for the regulation of foreign investment; foreigners seeking to invest in China were given national treatment before their projects were formally considered for approval. Meanwhilea negative list was drawn upmeaning that foreign investment was barred only in areas specifically designated as off-limits. Industries previously designated as restricted or prohibited areas were initially made part of the Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Foreign Investment Access in 2017.  Since the creation of the negative listthe areas barred to foreigners have been gradually whittled down. “Encouraged industries” received similar treatment as in the past.  This general approach has been called “pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list.” The issuance of the latest documents has refined this overall approachrelaxing controls on market access to foreign capital and encouraging foreign investors to enter the Chinese market.

Fewer Restricted Sectors

China took measures to ease restrictions on foreign investment in 201320152017 and again in 2018. The number of items on the national Negative List (or under the restricted or prohibited categories) was reduced from 119 in 2013 to 48 in 2018and those for free trade zones were cut from 122 to 45 over the same period. The 2019 negative list items have been reduced further to 40 nationally and 37 in the free trade zones (See Chart 1).


The latest Negative Lists further open up the agriculturemanufacturingservices and infrastructure construction sectors. In agriculturethere is no longer a provision stating that “foreign investment in the exploitation of wildlife resources originally produced in China and protected by the country shall be prohibited.” In the mining and minerals sectorthe exploitation and development of oil and natural gas is no longer limited to joint ventures or cooperative projects. Additionallythe restrictions on foreign investment in the mining and processing of molybdenumtinand antimony have been abolished. In manufacturingforeign investment has been allowed in the production of xuan paper and ink blocks. In servicesChina has lifted restrictions on domestic shipping agentscinemas and agencies for performers. The 50% ownership limit on foreign stakes in communicationscall centers and storage has also been abolished. In infrastructure constructionthe construction and operation of gas and heating networks in cities with populations of over 500,000 no longer need to be controlled by Chinese interests. Moreoverin the free trade zones fishingprinting and publishing have been opened up.

More Encouraged Industries

China has learned from the experience of other nationsparticularly developing countriesin making use of foreign capital. The most commonly used formula is to implement policies that promote foreign investment under the general principle of applying equal treatment to domestic and foreign investors. The 2019 Foreign Investment Encouraged Catalogue consists of two sub-catalogues — one applies to the whole country and one is applicable to the 22 provinces in China’s central and western regions.

The total of encouraged industries is 1,108. Nationwidethe number of encouraged industries has increased to 415with 67 items added and 45 items revisedcompared with the 2017 Edition. On a regional basisthe sub-catalogue of China’s 22 central and western provinces has added 54 encouraged items and revised 165 itemscompared with the 2017 edition of the lists.

Foreign investment is especially welcome in advanced manufacturing and production-related services. In the field of manufacturingthe newly added or revised items cover core components for 5G communicationsetchers for integrated circuitschip packaging equipmentcloud computing equipmentindustrial robotsnew energy vehicleskey components for smart carskey raw materials for cell therapy drugslarge-scale cell culture productsnew aerospace materialsmonocrystalline siliconand large-size silicon wafers. In the service sectoritems were added or modified in the areas of  engineering consultingaccountingtaxationinspection and certification servicescold chain logisticse-commercededicated rail linesartificial intelligence servicescleaner production servicescarbon capture servicesand circular economy services.

China is also encouraging foreign investors to shift their focus to central and western parts of the country for labor-intensive industriesindustries making use of advanced technologyand related equipment. At the same timesome items specific to certain provinces have been added to the encouraged list based on local advantages. For examplefor YunnanInner Mongolia and Hunanthere are changes affecting agricultural processing. For

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