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Q&A on Supporting the Development of New Forms of Trade Through ...

来源:CHINA FOREX 2020 Issue 2

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) recently released its Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Supporting the Development of New Forms of Trade (SAFE Document No. 11 [2020]) ("Circular"). Wang ChunyingSAFE's press spokesperson and chief economistanswered media questions on the policy document.


Q: What is the background behind the release of the Circular?

A: The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council have introduced many support policies for the development of new forms of tradesuch as cross-border ecommercemarket procurement trade and comprehensive foreign trade services. Boosting the development of new forms of trade has become an integral part of the efforts to accelerate the building of new competitive advantages for trade and drive high-quality trade development. Compared with traditional tradethe new forms of tradefeaturing diversified market players and frequent online transactionshave a strong demand for efficient and convenient financial services. To better support their developmentwe must ensure stability in employmentfinancial operationsforeign tradeforeign investmentdomestic investmentand expectations. Additionally it is necessary to ensure security in jobbasic living needsoperations of market entitiesfood and energy securitystable industrial and supply chainsand the normal functioning of primary-level governments known as "six priorities". So as for the aim of "six priorities" and stability in six areasthe SAFE published this Circular to optimize foreign exchange policies for new forms of trade and increase facilitation for trade and foreign exchange receipts and paymentson the basis of the inputs from market players of new forms of trade and experience gained from pilotingand with a view to further energizing the market and promoting healthy and fast development of new forms of trade.


Q: What is the overall consideration behind the Circular?

A: The Circular is focused on addressing inconvenience in settling small-amountfrequent and electronic transactions under new forms of trade. In policy designthe Circular is intended to encourage innovation and promote inclusiveness and prudence to actively adapt to the actual needs for the development of new forms of trade. Following the requirements of "serving the real economyfacilitating opening uptracking transactions and keeping risks under control"the Circular is designed to loosen foreign exchange policiesoptimize foreign exchange servicesfacilitate foreign exchange business processingand implement credit restrictions and classified management that feature "more convenient exchanges for more compliant transactions" for new forms of trade.


Q: What policy facilitation will the Circular offer market players?

A: According to the Circularthe foreign exchange settlement mode

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