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Q&A on Foreign Exchange Policies and Foreign Direct Investment

来源:CHINA FOREX 2020 Issue 2


Q: In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Investment and the Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Investmentgovernment commercial departments will no longer issue the Certificate of Approval for Foreign-invested Enterprises (FIEs) or the Acknowledgement of Filing. What materials are required now for foreign exchange registration?

A: When making a foreign exchange registrationenterprises need to provide their bank with the company's business licensethe notice of approval (except for certain cases where regulations specifically state the notice is not required)and the Application for Registration of Basic Information on Domestic Direct Investment. Unless otherwise stipulatedthere is no need to submit a foreign direct investment (FDI) approval or filing documents issued by a commercial department.

Banks may refer to the Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System and the articles of association/partnership agreement submitted by the enterprise for verificationif the relevant information from the market regulators fails to meet the information requirement for foreign exchange registration.


Q: If a company is located in an area where tax filing has been made electronicthe original tax certificate issued by the local tax department obviously cannot be provided. When a foreign shareholder wants to transfer his equity in a company to a domestic institutionhow should changes to the foreign exchange registration be made?

A: In order to facilitate filing procedurestax filing certificates are no longer required when changing a foreign exchange registration to record the transfer of equity from a foreign holder to a domestic oneprovided the transfer is made as a domestic direct investment.

In the remittance of the funds from an equity transferthe bank may check the relevant electronic tax certificates through the online tax system of the local tax authority where tax filing has been made electronically.


Q: What are the procedures for the annual registration of equity stakes?

A: This registration has been incorporated into the annual reporting required by market regulatory authorities and the capital account information system will no longer be used for the submission of data. Foreign invested enterprises that were established and registered in China before December 312019 need to submit their annual reports through the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (www.gsxt.gov.cn). This is in accordance with  the  Circular of the State Administration for Market RegulationSAFEand the Ministry of Commerce on the Integration of Multiple Annual Reports (SAMR Document No.238 [2019]) and the Announcement of the Ministry of Commercethe State Administration for Market Regulation and SAFE on Carrying out the 2019 Annual Report of Foreign Investment Information Report (MOFCOM Announcement No. 37 [2019]). Submissions should be completed between January 1 and June 302020. Relevant data and information will be shared among authorities for commercemarket supervision and foreign exchange regulation.


Q: Since there are no physical copies of certificates or licenseshow are inward remittances and foreign exchange registration handled when payments of registered capital are required by foreign invested enterprises?

A: Some foreign invested enterprisesmainly financial institutionscan open an account for remittances that cover preliminary expenses. After receiving necessary approvals from regulatorscompanies need to register all newly established businessesmergers and acquisitionsand capital increases by providing materials such as the approval documents and business license.


Q: Must the China branches of all foreign institutions make a foreign exchange registration?

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