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A Trial Run for Central Bank Digital Currency

来源:CHINA FOREX 2020 Issue 4

On the evening of October 82020the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government announced that it would cooperate with the People's Bank of China (PBOC) in the trial operation of the central bank digital currency in the city's Luohu district. The digital currencyprovisionally called DC/EPwas issued to local residents in the form of gift packets (known as "red packets" in Chinese) worth 200 yuan each. A total of 10 million yuan worth of these were distributed to 50,000 residents by means of a lottery. The program was funded by the Luohu district government.

In order to participate in the lottery residents needed to register their cell phone numbers and ID card numbers on the "i_Shenzhen" platform. Lottery winners needed to download the app "DC/EP" as per instructions sent by mobile phone short messaging service. They then had to activate the "DC/EP wallet" with a selected bank (any of four major state banks - Industrial and Commercial BankAgricultural Bank of ChinaBank of China and China Construction Bank) and set a password to receive the 200 yuan of DC/EP. The red packets received could be used with 3,389 merchants included in the DC/EP system transformation program in the Luohu district. There was no spending threshold and each red packet could be used for multiple transactions. If the balance in the wallet was insufficient for a purchasethe user could bind the wallet to a bank account and recharge itbut the balance could not transferred to any other wallet or back to the user's own bank account. The red packets were valid from 18:00 hours on October 12 to 24:00 hours on October 18. Any amount not used at the end of trial period was to be recovered by the DC/EP system.

According to data collected over the perioda total of 47,573 people received the gift packetsaccounting for 95.15% of the winners. There were 62,677 transactions with a total of 8.76 million yuan. Some winners of the lottery also recharged their DC/EP walletswith the total recharge amount reaching of 901,000 yuan.

This was the first trial use of the DC/EP. Previouslythere had been much speculation about how a central bank digital currency would workbut now there is much more clarity. The demonstrationthough successfulalso revealed some technical problems that may appear in the actual implementation of DC/EP.

DC/EP is Digital Legal Tender

DC/EP is also referred to as "digital renminbi," emphasizing the fact that it is another form of the sovereign currency. This will prevent people from mistakenly concluding that it is another currency outside the existing monetary system.

Like renminbi notesDC/EP is also legal tenderand thus payment of any public or private debt within China with DC/EP cannot be refused by any entity or individual eligible to receive it. Since DC/EP will be included in the renminbi monetary aggregates for centralized managementit will not have a major impact on the formulation and implementation of monetary policy.

DC/EP is envisioned as a replacement for M0the narrowest definition of money supplyor cash in circulationthough it is not entirely the equivalent of cash.

The PBOC has explicitly stated that DC/EP will be positioned to replace M0or some part of the cash in circulation. The digital currency will not be interest-bearing. It must comply with laws and regulations related to cash management such as the Law of the People's Bank of China and the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Renminbiand also those on large-value cash managementanti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing. Howeverbeing positioned as a replacement for some portion of the narrowly defined money supply does not mean DC/EP will only have the functions of physical renminbi cash.

From the phone screenshots of the Luohu DC/EP gift packets received and the "DC/EP wallets" used at various bankswe can see that the amounts ranged from 200.00 yuan to the smallest amount of 0.01 yuan towards the end of the trial period. This rebutted early speculation that DC/EP would have different face values and note numbers in order to aid the  PBOC in keeping track of all transactions.

In factthe digital currency could only be presented in figures (accurate to the smallest currency unit) instead of units with different fixed face values. Otherwisepeople would have had to make change during actual transactions. The PBOC was already able to track the receipt and payment of every DC/EP transactionso there was no need for additional tracking.

The DC/EP wallet at each bank has a uniform appearance – similar to that of paper notes and containing elements like the national emblemthe People's Bank of China labeland the portrait of Mao Zedong (though there are minor differences in color). The goal is to highlight the official status of this digital currency. Howeverthis also increases operating costsbecause DC/EPdespite being positioned as a replacement for M0is actually used through the account-based "DC/EP wallet," that isa special deposit account opened at an operating agency. Thereforean identification of "DC/EP wallet" will suffice.

Centralized Management of DC/EP

The PBOC has emphasized four key points in the management of DC/EP. Firstit will conduct overall management on the DC/EP quota and formulate consistent businesstechnicalsecurity and application codes and standards.

Secondit will conduct centralized management of DC/EP informationretain all transaction information and recordsmonitor and analyze the exchange and circulation of DC/EP to improve the PBOC’s currency issuance system in the digital era.

Thirdit will conduct overall management of DC/EP wallets. Provided that there is a unified authentication system and an anti-counterfeiting function for DC/EPbased on the principle of two-tier operationthe PBOC will jointly build and share an ecological wallet platform with designated operating agencies and at the same time allow these agencies to develop their own visual design and features.

Fourththe PBOC will build out the infrastructure to issue DC/EP and achieve the circulation of the digital currency across different operating agencies so that this currency will circulate in a stable and orderly manner.

Since DC/EP is still centrally managedit may not require the use of blockchain technologies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Howeversome restrictive clauses can be added to the DC/EP operating system to keep it automatically controlled by way of "smart contracts."

Two-Tier Operation

DC/EP will still be operated under the "central bank-commercial bank" two-tier model. The PBOC will select well-capitalized and technologically advanced commercial banks as its designated operating agencies. They will open different types of DC/EP wallets (usually with four types of restrictions such as different wallet balance requirementssingle transaction limitsdaily transaction numbers and annual transaction limits) for customers based on how well the customer information is identified. They need to provide DC/EP conversion services and the designated operating agencies will cooperate with other commercial banks and institutions to jointly provide such DC/EP circulation services.

In the trial operation of DC/EP in Shenzhenthe lottery winners needed to download the PBOC's app "DC/EP" and then activate the "DC/EP wallet" of the selected bank (there were only four banks participating in the trial operationbut in the futureusers will probably be given more choices). Heremobile phones have become an important carrier for digital wallets and a QR code has become a critical component. The operating logic behind it may be as follows:

Firstlythe "DC/EP wallets" opened by banks for customers are linked to the PBOC's app "DC/EP." Through this appthe PBOC will obtain the information of all DC/EP holdersincluding their namesID numbers and mobile phone numbers. It will then establish a memorandum account for each holder (including merchantsbusiness entities and financial institutions among others participating in the program) on the DC/EP platform. That forms a "centralized DC/EP account system" for the public. This will help the PBOC fully collect all transaction information of DC/EP exchanges and circulation and enable it to conduct necessary monitoring and analysis.

Secondlydesignated operating agencies also need to download the PBOC's app DC/EP and open accounts with the central bankso that the PBOC will become the real payment and clearing center for the currency and ensure interconnection among all operating agencies.

Finallythe information of each DC/EP transaction must also be sent to the PBOC so that the central bank can retain all transaction information. The DC/EP wallet operating agency can obtain the information related only to its own wallets. If the DC/EP wallets receiving and paying DC/EP belong to different operating agencieseach agency will not be able to obtain all information of both sides of the transactions. This demonstrates the "limited anonymity" of DC/EP.

This might be the most important change in the operation of DC/EP. The PBOCrather than the operating agencyshall play the leading role.

Judging from the trial operation in Shenzhendigital wallets and mobile phones will be the important carriers of DC/EPand a QR code will be the main payment method. The so-called offline NFC (near-field communication) payment will not be the most important feature that distinguishes DC/EP from other general mobile renminbi payment toolsbecause NFC is in fact a small-value payment method designed for emergency scenarios and cannot be widely applied unconditionally. When communication conditions permitthe information of NFC payments still needs to be sent to the operating agencies and the PBOC as soon as possible to adjust the records in relevant wallets and memorandum accounts. Without the support of a third-party account systemthere will be great risks in the NFC payments through such hardware such as mobile phones. This is also an important reason why NFC technology has not been applied widely despite its early development. Thereforethere is no need to highlight the NFC function of DC/EP.

Initially a Domestic Currency

Judging from the trial operation in Shenzhenthe PBOC's DC/EP system has not yet been opened to offshore areas such as Hong Kong and Macao. In this caseit will not affect the internationalization of the renminbi and its international payments and settlements system. Ifin the futureDC/EP is to have an impact on the internationalization of the renminbi and its international payments and settlements systemthe PBOC's DC/EP system app must be opened to overseas areas. DC/EP must also have internationally competitive advantages in operational efficiencycost and payment and settlement security. It also relies on liquiditysecurityand profitability of DC/EP itself. Meeting these requirements may take time.

Will the digital currency have a major impact on the existing payment and settlement system?

The PBOC does not provide DC/EP exchange or payment and settlement services directly to the public. It also has stated that “to ensure that DC/EP is widely available without causing major impacts on the existing financial marketall commercial banks and non-bank payment agencies must fully play their active roles to arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of all parties in the market and maintain the stability of the financial system." Howeverunlike renminbiDC/EP is operated and settled mainly by the PBOC and completely free of chargeso it may cause a major impact on the existing payment and settlement system.

For DC/EPthe most important operating node is the PBOC's appwhich means that the central bank is the only real payment and settlement center for the digital currency. The DC/EP wallets opened by various operating agencies are effectively a derivative system of the central bank app. Since the payment and settlement of DC/EP is freethis will result in a number of problems. If DC/EP is intended to be merely a replacement for cashthe impact will not be great. But as DC/EP and the non-digital renminbi and their payment and settlement systems will coexist for a long termthis may cause some new problems in the operation and management of the renminbi. If DC/EP is no longer used solely as a replacement for cashbut also extended to other applications like financial servicesincluding loans and other extensive receipt and payment servicesthen it will not only have significant impacts on the market positions and profit models of non-bank payment agencies like Alipay and Tenpaybut also greatly affect bank cards and related industries as it does not need to be bound with bank accounts and bank cards.

This is something we need to bear in mind. Does this model where the PBOC directly participates in the payment and settlement of DC/EP conform to the "two-tier operation model" and is this a reasonable arrangement? These questions require further deliberation. Additionallyunlike the receipt and payment of cashwhich is mainly between the two sides of the transaction and thus less costlythe operations of DC/EP involve operating agencies and the PBOCso a wide application of DC/EP would be costly. In this caseis the exchangepayment and settlement of DC/EP all being free of charge sustainable?

A critical feature of this digital currency is that it integrates the currency closely with payments and settlementswhich is one of the reasons why the PBOC calls it "DC/EP." As a resultthe DC/EP issuing institution can directly provide digital currency depositpayment and settlement services. This could cause significant impacts on the monetary and financial system and even economic and social stability. Thereforethe international community is keenly interested in how this is system is implemented and taking a cautious stance on the project overall.

The PBOC's plans to launch DC/EP could greatly reduce the costs of renminbi printingdistributionreceipts and paymentscustodyas well as the withdrawal and destruction of old notes. It can also enhance the regulatory monitoring of currency receiptspayments and circulation. Moreoverit can also minimize the risks that may be brought by currency reform and thereby make it easier to launch DC/EP. In this processthe PBOC will also accumulate experience in preparation for greater and more comprehensive changes. It can be said that this is a very reasonable choiceand through this processDC/EP will also take the lead in the field of digital currency.

Howeverthere are still issues to examine in the extent of DC/EP application beyond cash substitution.

What see that with the development of information technologythe proportion of M0 in the monetary aggregates has already been reduced to 4%. This percentage is still decliningand it will be difficult to completely eliminate cash even over a very long time. The financial system will still need to keep enough cash in stock for emergency use. In this caseif DC/EP is only used to replace cashthe input-output ratio will be greatly reduced. Additionallyit will also affect the opening of DC/EP to overseas business and internationalizationresulting in the long-term coexistence of DC/EP and non-digital renminbi as well as maintain overlapping payment and settlement systems.

During the trial operationthere was no restriction on DC/EP being exchanged for anything besides cash. The digital currency could be exchanged or recharged by adding fresh deposits. This also shows that DC/EP is not completely restricted to being a cash substitute. Thereforein my estimationthe PBOC is likely to directly launch DC/EP as a replacement for M0but allow it to be converted into deposits and used for making loans. DC/EP should not be restricted to being a replacement for cash but should be expanded to replace all forms of currency and used for all kinds of payments and settlementsincluding the PBOC’s lending to commercial banks.

Thereforethe options for the DC/EP operating system are as follows:

Firstthe PBOC's "centralized digital currency account" system should be further consolidated and improved. This system should be open to all DC/EP usersincluding financial institutions. All these users could download the system and open the "basic DC/EP account" with the PBOCwhich will register each DC/EP receipt or payment and show the account balance in real-time. The PBOC will control all receipts and payments of DC/EP and its distribution in real time and be able to conduct  whole-process monitoring of DC/EP. This will greatly improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the PBOC's monetary policies. Of coursethe basic account is only for verification and analysis. No other services will be provided and no interest will be accrued.

SecondlyDC/EP may be used for various financial services (including loan issuance) and could replace all forms of currency. Howeverfinancial services will still be handled by financial institutions. Business entities and individuals can open DC/EP business accounts with these financial institutionsincluding commercial banks. The accounts will record the changes in credits and debits and accrue interest. Commercial banks also need to set up credit accounts and deposit accounts (the deposit account may also be combined with the basic account) separately with the PBOCwith the interest accrued separately.

Finallyall business accounts of DC/EP holders must be linked with their basic accounts with the PBOC. When entities or individuals receive or pay DC/EPtheir DC/EP wallets must verify each other and generate a business encryption link code. The receiving and paying parties respectively transmit the relevant information and the link code to the PBOC and the operating agencies at the same time. The operating agencies process the transaction based on the information receivedadjust the balances in the customers' DC/EP accountsand send relevant information to the PBOC. The balances in their DC/EP accounts with the PBOC will be adjusted accordingly and the PBOC will adjust the account balances of both parties per the information sent by them after confirming that the business link codes match. The account balances of both agencies will be adjusted according to the information sent after there is confirmation that the link codes match.

In this waythe PBOC will form a "centralized DC/EP account system" for the benefit of the public. The "basic accounts" of DC/EP with the PBOC will coexist and be interlinked with the "business accounts" with financial institutions. This will bring profound changes to the currency system but will not pose a major threat to the existing financial or payment system. Of coursewhen all user information and currency receipt and payment information is gathered in a central repository – in this case with the PBOC – the system will face stability and big data security challenges. These need to be properly addressed.

If conditions permitthe DC/EP system should also be extended to offshore areas to give it an international presence. It would also enhance the  internationalization of the renminbi and contribute to reform of the international monetary system as well as the global payment and settlement infrastructure. This option should be incorporated into the overall strategic planning for renminbi internationalization.

The author is a former vice governor of Bank of China and chief economist of Shenzhen Neptunus Group