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Design Elements and Promotion Strategies of DC/EP

来源:CHINA FOREX 2020 Issue 4

While the innovations in private digital currencies are leading to a decreased use of cash and a "currency decentralization," central banks in a number of countries are also working on central bank digital currencies (CBDC). As early as 2014the People's Bank of China (PBOC) had already officially begun research on the feasibility of issuing a CBDC. In 2016the PBOC established the Digital Currency Research Institute to undertake research and development of CBDC. Since the Libra White Paper was released in June 2019the PBOC has been speaking out about plans for CBDC. The Chinese version of CBDCtemporarily named "DC/EP," is expected to be launched in the very near future. So farit is being rolled out employing the principles of a two-tier issuancea replacement of M0 money supply and "controlled" anonymity. It entails top-level design and standardization as well as research and development. Testing has largely been completed and a great number of pilot tests have been carried out. The testing phase has basically been completed.

The DC/EP being piloted in China is a retail CBDC issued to the public. Some countries are also studying and assessing the feasibility of issuing retail CBDCbut mainly to facilitate retail payments and promote inclusive finance. Some smaller countries have even issued CBDC alreadybut mostly for the purpose of seizing their own monetary sovereignty or curbing high inflation.

For Chinathe third-party retail payment market represented by Alipay and WeChat Pay has been developed to a large extent and the government-issued  currency is stable. There has been a considerable amount of debate over whether a digital currency is necessary in China. The author believes that the value is mainly seen in these areas:

FirstlyCBDC will strengthen macro management and control and improve the accuracy of capital investment. For startersCBDC can effectively push interest rates down through their existing lower limit. After the retail CBDC is issued and it replaces the use of large amounts of cashCBDC will probably apply negative interest ratesor charge a so-called "wallet custody" feewhich is essentially equivalent to a negative interest rate policy. As a resultthere will no longer be a zero limit to interest ratesleaving more room for monetary policy adjustments.

In the futureif DC/EP can be used to replace depositspay interest and issue creditsit will truly have a substantial impact on monetary policy. What is moreCBDC can also help the PBOC get a better grasp of macroeconomic dynamics as well as enhance the traceability of credit funds. It will also enable  the optimization of the monetary transmission mechanism. Specificallythrough the detailed record of each transactionCBDC can be used to track or even guide the economy and help the PBOC gain a more accurate understanding of every micro level aspect of the economy and determine changes in real time.

Yao Qianformer director of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the PBOConce provided a design for a digital currency based on "conditional triggers" to issue credits and loans accurately to groups such as small and micro enterprisesand thereby improve the accuracy of the central inclusive financial policy support.

SecondlyCBDC will improve the management of mobile payment data and give full play to the value of data. For Chinaan important strategic value of issuing DC/EP is that it can be used to better manage mobile payment data.  There has been serious data infringement in the field of electronic payments. Existing electronic payment tools around the world have excessively infringed on the privacy of users. Due to concerns over privacy protection the use of these tools has fallen short of potential with the public still relying on cash and thereby protect privacy. Additionallythere are no effective rules on the protection of personal privacy in Chinaand some third-party payment agencies have been excessively collecting personal data and making improper use of the information.

At the same timethe extremely valuable data captured from electronic payments have not been fully utilized. In the commercial banking systempayment transactions are dominated by China Unipayand thus data are well integrated. But that is not the case with third-party payment transaction data. As a resultthe so-called effect of "1+1>2" in the use of electronic payment data has not been fully exploited. We all know that the digital economy cannot develop without the support of massive mobile payment data from real transactionsso data management of mobile payment tools does not mean we have to completely stop third-party payment agencies from acquiring or using payment-related data. Insteadwhat we should do is prevent excessive collection and abuse. In additionthere is also a "data island" problem whereby not all data are shared. To address thiswe need to maximize the efficiency of data use and exploit the values of existing data to the greatest extent while meeting the requirements of financial regulatory compliance. Once it is launched the retail CBDC will serve as an important means for data management in the retail payment market.

ThirdlyCBDC will serve as a supplement to the current payment tools and fill the gaps in the market. When studying the feasibility of issuing CBDCthe European Central Bank made it clear that the launch of CBDC should not jeopardize the efforts of the private sector to innovate convenient retail payment tools. In Chinadespite a declining use ratecash is still massively the preferred payment methodso it is unclear how big the market can be. Currentlythe proposed "dual offline payment" function of DC/EP is aimed precisely at this offline market. To the existing payment toolsDC/EP does not have to be absolutely dominant in the market. If a low proportion of the existing payment tools are replaced by DC/EPit mayto some extentshow that the existing payment tools have fully satisfied the market needs for convenience and security purposes. Of courseconsidering individual users' increasing awareness of privacy issuesthey may tend to switch to DC/EPas it can provide them with the ability to control their private information. This could lead to a differentiated competition with the existing electronic payment tools and force the existing ones to constantly improve their data management.

The Elements of the DC/EP Design

So farno major country has successfully issued a CBDC. In order to prevent possible undesirable effects on the domestic economy and financial marketthe PBOC has made some safe choices in designing China's central bank digital currency.

The first is shown in interest payment and limits. In theoryDC/EP can be used for interest payments and even realize differentiated interest payments for different individuals. In ChinaDC/EP is legal tenderand it is envisioned as a replacement of some of the M0 money supply – currency in circulation – rather than M1 (currency plus demand deposits) and M2 (M1 plus near money – or savingstime deposits and some off balance sheet items of banks). Howeverin order to prevent its impact on bank depositsDC/EP is not intended for interest payments. And since digital currency makes it easier for deposits (M1 and M2) to be converted into cash (M0)in the case of a financial panic and financial riskthe spread is likely to be much faster and could have an impact on the entire banking system. To prevent this kind of replacement effect of DC/EPsome observers suggest imposing limits on the use of DC/EP. For examplethere may be daily and annual cumulative transaction limits or  there could be special requirements for exchanges of large amounts to be  appointment-based. Higher fees could also be charged for larger transactions.

One thing to note is that DC/EP not being used for interest payments will weaken the role of DC/EP in macro control. Yao Qianformer director of the Digital Currency Research Instituteonce indicated that if CBDC was not only a payment toolbut also an interest-bearing assetit would create a new price-based monetary policy tool. Firstat the wholesale endwhen the CBDC interest rate is higher than the reserve interest rateit will replace the reserve interest rate as the lower limit of the monetary market interest rate corridor. Secondat the retail endthe CBDC interest rate will become the lower limit of the bank deposit interest rate. Howeverif DC/EP cannot be used for interest paymentsthe public will be less willing to hold itthereby weakening its role in the transmission of macro policies.

The second is reflected in anonymity. The anonymity of DC/EP is designed to be controllable – it is anonymous during the end-to-end paymentbut it also discloses necessary real-name information and transaction data for the PBOC to monitor in order to ensure regulatory compliance. This is what we describe as “real name at the back endvoluntary use of real name on the front end” for the digital fiat currency. Regarding the design of controllable anonymityFan Yifeivice governor of the PBOConce pointed out that if data are not anonymous to third partiespersonal information and privacy would be leaked. But that if data are completely anonymous to third partiesit will make it more difficult to root out crimes such as tax evasionterrorist financing and money laundering. To strike a balance between the two goalsthe anonymity must be controllablewith data disclosure limited to the third party PBOC.

Anonymity is only a relative term. From the perspective of the development of the digital economycompletely banning the use of mobile payment data for commercial purposes could bring huge losses to the economy and the society. In this big data and cloud computing environmenttransaction security is no longer entirely dependent on the traditional identity authentication systemand now it has already become a trend to guarantee transaction security and avoid risks through customer behavior analysis. For transaction information to be anonymousDC/EP can still be used for big data masking analysis at the macro-level without infringing on the privacy of legitimate users at the micro-level. However"masking" the identity of transaction information will make it difficult to integrate diversified data and reduce the value of data. Thanks to the loosely coupled design of the current DC/EP accountresidents can choose to bind DC/EP to bank

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