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Positive Changes

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 1

The world today is marked by turbulence and changes unseen in a century. Howeverchange itself is the very nature of developmentas evidenced by the phrases "great unrestdivision and overhaul" back in the 1960s and 1970s.


To paraphrase a traditional Chinese sayingone's eyes are easily dazzled by uncertainties. One must sort out every variabledependent and independent before leveraging causal links. In the technology fieldthe relationship between the two variables is plain and simple: an independent "X" is always followed by a dependent "Y". On the social levelhoweverthe correlation is more of probabilistic causation. Thereforepeople have divergent opinions on causalities. Once a changeespecially a visible one takes shapethere is an interplay of independent and dependent variables. The cause and effect are intertwined in a paradoxical co-existence and interactionhence complicacies.


Wiseman tends to be forecasting and pointing out a positive development direction with a farsighted and big-picture philosophy. They seldom get stranded in the interplayor dwell on short-term gains and losses since finding out common values of the variables holds the only key to induce positive changes.


In 2009Niall Fergusona professor at Harvard University coined a term "Chinerica"describing the symbiotic relationship between China and the United States. It is a concept that facilitates bilateral cooperation by identifying positive causal relationship in the differences of the two sides. Ferguson observed that the two nations can be structurally complementary in six aspectsincluding the U.S. financial capital and China's markets of scalethe U.S. high technology and China's application scenarios of manufacturingthe U.S. agricultural production and China's populationand the U.S. consumer culture and China's social preference for making savings. Being entangled in games of chance is in no way the only choice presented to the two countries.


Behind the logic of changes are interest and cultures with people at their core. For a positive change to happen,multiple factors are at play: put pros and cons in perspective,understanding and interpreting different cultures,especially the culture we are dealing with,and make rational decisions.