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Technological Innovation and Economic & Financial Reform in the Post-COVID Era

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 1

The COVID pandemic was a major event in 2020 that has profoundly changed global political and economic pattern. Measuring from the two aspects of supply and demandit has brought a total impact comparable to the Great Depression in the 1930sand has exerted an unprecedented impact on the production of human societythe way of communication and world economic and trade activities. Such impact is more of a structural shock to the long-term development of economywhich will accelerate the effective application of new knowledge and new technology worldwidemaking digital development a significant factor in driving economy recoverychanging the way of communication and promoting theory development. Moreoverit will profoundly affect North-South as well as international political and economic relationsand become a catalyst for major changes unseen in a century.


Legacy Model and New Impetus Jointly Promote the ¡°V-Shaped¡± Recovery in the Post-COVID Era

Since 2020as a black swanCOVID-19 has brought a hard hit to global economic and social operationsbasicallytwo necessary countermeasures were taken by anyone economy: one is short-term policy response - to manage economic downturn and systemic financial risks with policy tools; the other is long-term structural adjustment - while working to solve or partially solve the root causes of shocksto minimize the probability of turning such shocks into crisisand form a new organization pattern of production and factors. One of the examples of long-term structural adjustment during the past period was the use of new energy as an alternative for fossil energy resources as an effort to cope with climate changes. Thusto judge the economic and financial operation situation in the post-COVID erabesidesinvestigating the effectiveness and costs of short-term policy responsesit is also necessary to explore the long-term structural adjustment.


To view from the short term perspectivepolicy and expectation adjustments have effectively promoted the “v-shaped” recovery of the global economy. Both supply and demand ends of economic operations have suffered strong influence from the pandemicwhile with the stimulation of fiscal and monetary policiesresidents and enterprises were able to know more about the virus and have adjusted their expectation and investments decisionsand have both realized certain rebounds. According to the forecast of IMF in October 2020global economy will shrink by 4.4% in 2020 and grow by 5.2% in 2021which is respectively 0.8 percentage points higher and 0.2 percentage points lower than the June forecast. In real operationthe seasonally adjusted QoQ GDP of the United States rebounded to 33.1% during the third quarter of 2020; GDP growth rates of the Eurozone and the UK were -4.4% and -9.6%respectivelyand the declines were 10.4% and 11.9% smaller than the previous quarter; emerging economies are also showing signs of recovery. China has been the most eye-catching one among all global economies. Our GDP had a 0.7% year-on-year growth during the first three quarters of 2020with the peak of 4.9% in the third quarter. The benefits of policy and expectation adjustments are obvious - global economies have achieved “v-shaped” recovery one after another; yet its prices are also clear - to contain current sharp contraction with future recovery and growth will inevitably lead to the rise of macro leverage ratio. Global economies have once again entered an era of overall quantitative easing after the one in 2008: since 2020the central banks of more than 40 countries and regions have cut interest rates nearly 70 times. The Federal Reserve implemented an average inflation target system and announced an open quantitative easing policy to further promote the liquidity of the money marketallowing unlimited purchases of bonds and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) on demand. The policy orientation of various countries has driven the world to an era of “ease monetary policy and low interest rate”. As for the financial marketon one handopen market transactions are less affected by the movement of peoplethus are showing a synchronous development trend; on the other handunder the influence of ease monetary policy and low interest ratemajor financial markets have maintained their stability after abrupt declineshowing a “v-shaped” recovery trend.


From a historical perspectivegreat shock is often accompanied by the acceleration of scientific and technological progress of human society. Some 700 years agothe bubonic plague spread among the Europe in the 14th centurymodern medicine and physiology made its start there and ushered in rapid growthEurope then entered the time of Renaissance and later the Industrial Revolution period. The Spanish flu outbreak in early 20th centuryleading to the global death toll of 20 to 50 millionwhile in turnit had also urged the fast development of bacteriology and epidemic preventionmedicine developmentpromoted the deep integration of physicschemistry and life medicineand spawned a large number of scientific and technological innovations that have changed human societysuch as the discovery of antibiotics and the use of X-rays for medical diagnosiswhich not only better protected people’s healthbut also was a driving force for the prosperity of social and economic activities. The same goes for technological innovation under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. As of November 202048 vaccines are currently under clinical testingincluding lipid nanoparticle-based mRNA vaccineDNA vaccineadjuvant protein vaccineinactivated virus particle vaccine and non-replicating virus vector vaccine. Some 64 drugs are also in clinical trials. It is almost certain that we will be able to keep the social and economic impact of the virus within an affordable range. Thereforethe “v-shaped” economic and financial recovery is the result of the joint action of traditional policy support and the emerging scientific research.


Factor Revolution: Digitization is the Major Factor Transformation in the Post-COVID Era

What is the post-COVID era going to be? Evidence shows that digitization is anirreversible trend of this era.


Digital economy has undergone rapid growth even before the pandemic accounting for 40% of the global economy. According to the “New Vision of the Global Digital Economy (2020)” released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology in October 2020the total scale of global digital economy reached 31.8 trillion US dollars in 2019 with a year-on-year increase of 5.4%accounting for 41.5% of global GDPand was 3.1% higher than the nominal GDP growth rate over the same period. In Chinathe digital economy reached 35.8 trillion yuan in 2019 with a year-on-year increase of 15.6%accounting for 36.2% of GDPand was 7.9% higher than the GDP growth rate over the same period. Based on the 2020 Hurun Global Unicorn List released by the Hurun Research Instituteamong the world’s 586 unicorn companies89 are e-commerce companies63 are artificial intelligence and financial technology companies53 are software service companies,33 are shared economic companies28 are health technology companiesand 20 are big data companies: digital economy-related companies take half of the market.


The spread of the pandemic further accelerated the development of digital economy. The outbreak of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020 restricted social contacts to a great extentto meet the situationmany enterprises transferred their businesses onlinedigital operation has then became a vital method to keep business going. Forbes reported in September 2020 - research data from Twilio Consulting showed that 97% of companies acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated their digital transformation. And according to its estimatesglobal digital process has been accelerated by at least 5-7 years due to the pandemic.


Among this great development trend of digital economyChina’s digital financial innovation has been advancing with its digital economy side by side. Relying upon China’s huge population and market advantagedigital economy has undergone fast developmentwhich further resulted in thriving digital financial developmentand spawned various digital financial innovations in different application scenarios: Sovereign currency - Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) is the legal encrypted digital currency with unlimited legal compensation. It is the digital form renminbiand is currency in essence. Payment platformsincluding Alipay and WeChat have already integrated into people’s daily payment scenarios. Asset management - big data customer acquisition and robo-advisors are becoming more popular in various wealth management scenarios. Risk management and supervision - risk management models based on big data and artificial intelligence have been widely implemented in various financial institutions. Big data and block chain based advanced management technologies are also improved under the supervision of China’s financial regulatory authorities. For examplethe cross-border financial block-chain service platform of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has already been established and launched. China has gained the first-mover advantage in digital financial developmentwe admit that there are also issues such as monopoly and other risks that need to be addressed and optimized during the development processbut with the acceleration of technological innovation and the booming digital economydigitization remains to be anirreversible trend of financial development.


More and more signs indicate that data has become the new production factor. Similar to other production factorsthe improvement of data quality and quantity can promote the quality and quantity of digital economic productsand thus to become one of the independent variables of the production function. From laborland to productive capitaland datathe factors used in human production activities are becoming more contactless and less competitivethe resulted scale economynetwork effects and scope economy effectshoweverare increasingly stronger.


Theory and Policy Reflections toward Structural Adjustment

During the pandemicChina has adopted a macro policy that aims at covering the basic needs of people and societyalso along with the innovative impetus of emerging technologies as well as the long-term digitization processthe inherent and spontaneous adjustment of the economic structure has become a certainty. Below are some reflections on economics and economic policies under such background.


The first is to explore monetary theory and macro policies from the perspective of macroeconomics. The “anchor-seeking” process of currency will still going on in 2021 and the years to comeduring which actual interest rate will act as the key indicator. On one handhow and when to implement the normalized monetary policy is a problem that the regulatory authorities of various countries need to figure out. Two possible situations are: policies that used to drive the recovery of normal employment indicators actively withdraw; or policies that has led to high debt ratio and systemic financial risks get eliminated by the authorities. On the other handbased on above analysis on digitizationwhen the process made certain progress among the governmententerprises and financial sectorsthe transmission path of liquidity investment may change. For examplemonetary policy department may achieve accurate and efficient money supply by means of digital technology to address the problem of poor monetary policy transmission mechanism. By thenissues such as unlimited easing and financial risks may no longer exist. Another more theoretically challenging issue is the reshape of monetary theory. For instancethe launch of digital M0 with smart contracts will probably lead to the vanish of any unnecessary liquidity reserveswhich will ultimately rewrite the money demand theory based on transactionspeculation and cautious motivation proposed by Keynes in the early years. What is monetary equilibrium and how to achieve such equilibrium will become major theoretical topics for future research.


The second is to explore the integration of economic finance and digitization from the perspective of microeconomics. In the view of welfare economicsdigital technology innovation and its deep integration with economic and social activitiesno matter at the individual level or public levelwill be an effective tool that can promote social welfare. At the individual levelhuman beings may obtain and handle more information with the aid of digital technology innovationmeanwhile make more accurate decisions on clothingfoodhousingtransportationmedical carepensionsand savings. At the same timewith authorization and proper privacy protectionenterprises will be able to use and process individual informationand thus to offer their clients customized services. The popularization of digital currency will reduce the demand for cash reserves of social subjects in social economic activities and increase the demand for profitabilitythereby realizing the profitability of traditional reserve cash. At the public levelthe legal and rational use of big data can help the government in making macro adjustments and monetary and fiscal policy decisionsso as to perform its function of offering public goods more concisely and effectively. For examplebased on big data in the social and economic fieldsthe government may have more accurate judgement and prediction on macro economic situationeconomic turning-points and public emergenciesthereby develop policies scientifically and with foresightand regulate social and economic operations more effectively and soundly. From the perspective of microeconomicsspecial attention needs to be paid to the pricing issues of digital economy and digital finance. For examplewhether customized services equal product quality difference? If two products with the same quality has price differencethen is it complete price discrimination or is it the left shift of the supply curve due to cost reduction resulted from information gain? While the former means vanish of consumer’s surplusthe latter is practical welfare. This is also an important academic issue that needs researching.


The third is to study the issues in data ecology from the perspective of regulation. Regulatory and legislative departments shall keep up with the situation changes and continue to improve the construction of institutional mechanisms and legal frameworksso as to better prevent and regulate various risk issuessuch as the monopolistic development of large platform companiescompanies that offer varied prices for same product or service based on different consumers by means of big data analysispersonal data privacy etc. From the Libra controversy to the recent drafts of the Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act announced by the European Unionthe digitization process of the economy and society are still facing many common challengesand we have every reason to expect great innovations in the theory and practice of digital regulation.



The author is the Deputy Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange