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Steadily Advance Capital Account Management Reform...

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 1

Title:The capital account management department will continue to promote cross-border investment and financing facilitation

In recent yearsin face of the complex and ever-changing international and domestic economic and financial situationour capital account foreign exchange management departmentguided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Erahas been implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and further promoting the reform and opening up of capital account management. On one handcross-border investment and financing facilitation has been vigorously promoteda series of facilitation policies and measures were introducedadministrative approvals were streamlinedgovernment services were improved and the business processing of market entities was facilitated. On the other handcapital account reform was further deepened with its openness raised to a higher level. Direct investment has achieved a relatively high level of opening upcross-border securities investment channels continued to expandand cross-border financing restrictions were significantly relaxed.


After years of practical explorationthe Guidelines on Foreign Exchange Business under Capital Account (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) have become a crucial reference for foreign exchange management departments at all levels and market entities such as banksenterprises in practicing capital account businesses. Alsoit has played an active role in implementing capital account foreign exchange management policiesregulating and facilitating the handling of capital account foreign exchange businessand promoting the constructive interaction between foreign exchange administration departments and all sectors of society. In order to further promote capital account management reformcertain revisions were made to the Guidelines in 2020and the concepts of serving real economy and facilitating market entities were thereby included.



The major considerations for the revision of the Guidelines are as follows.


Firstmeeting the need of regular revision and policy updates. Generallythe Guidelines will be revised every two to three years. Since the release of the 2017 versionthere have been certain updates and many adjustments on capital account foreign exchange management policiessuch as policies on the centralized operation of cross-border funds of multinational companies and qualified foreign institutional investors.


Secondmeeting the need of further improving management and facilitating services. With continued reform of government functions (streamline administration and delegate powerimprove regulationand upgrade services) in recent yearscross-border investment and financing facilitation has been greatly improvedand relevant concepts also need to be further reflected in the Guidelinessuch as further streamlining and optimizing the audit materials and handling procedures. Meanwhilein order to facilitate market entities’ compliance operationsit is necessary to sort out and summarize our management and operation experiences gained during routine practicesand systematically illustrate them in the Guidelines .


Thirdmeeting the need of further improving the Guidelines. Although the Guidelines already had a relatively stable stylethere are issues including complex structuresredundant chapters and tedious contents. Onone handthe revision strives to present a clearer structure - certain adjustments were made to several chapters. On the other handit seeks for a more concise manner - in order to providefavorable conditions for market entities on application materials and processing procedures.


Major Updates

The revision of the Guidelines implements the concepts of serving real economy and facilitating market entities. It basically follows previous styles and issued in three versions: SAFE versionSAFE branch version and bank version. After the streamlining and optimizationthe length of this revised version has been largely reduced compared to the 2017 version: the 2017 version has 116 business guidelines with a total of 165,000 characterswhile the 2020 version has 74 business guidelines with a total of 129,000 characters - 42 business guidelines were deleted with a decrease of over 36%and 36,000 characters were reducedwhich is a decrease of 22%. In terms of the contentmajor adjustments are as follows.


Clarifying structure through merging and integration. Firstintegrating different procedures in the same business. The guidelines for the registrationmodificationand cancellation of foreign debtdomestic guarantees for foreign loansoverseas lendingand overseas listing are integrated into one. Secondmerging similar businesses. The guidelines for similar businessessuch as the purchase and payment of foreign exchange for the transfer of immigrant property and the transfer of inherited property are merged. The third is to conduct consolidated management over accounts. Integrate the openingusing (entry) and closing of various capital account foreign exchange accounts. Lastlyadd comprehensive services. Unify and integrate the capital items that were originally dispersed under direct investmentforeign debtand securitiesincluding foreign exchange settlement to be paid accountsfund settlementand payment facilitation business.


Updating and adjusting based on the policy. Revision is made based on the policy changes since the release of the 2017 version. Newly added contents include guidelines for the centralized operation of cross-border funds of multinational companiescross-border securities transactions of depository receipts and facilitation of capital account income and paymentas well as business guidelines for banks to handle cancellation of registration of foreign debtoverseas lending and foreign loans on domestic guarantees. A total number of 13 guidelines had been deletedincluding the guidelines on QFII/RQFII investment quota filing/approvalshort-term foreign debt balance indicator verificationand non-bank financial institution entity information registration. Business guidelines for direct investment (FDI & ODI)foreign debt (involving the improvement of macro-prudential adjustment parameters for full-scale cross-border financing)registration of foreign loans under bank guarantees and various account management are updated.


Improving management and optimizing services. Firstunder direct investments - relax the restriction on bank location when handling foreign direct investment registration. Relax restrictions on the use of overseas loan repatriationand standardize the management of overseas loan repatriation. Moreoverunder cross-border financing - cancel the consistency requirement on foreign debt contract currencywithdrawal currency and repayment currencyonly requiring the consistency of the latter two. Relax the time limit for the registration of non-fund transfer foreign debt withdrawal/debt repayment and overseas bond issuance. Lastunder securities investment - relax the restrictions on the capital (or working capital) foreign exchange settlement in local and foreign currencies of non-bank financial institutions (excluding insurance institutions). Simplify foreign exchange management requirements for domestic individuals participating in equity incentive plans of overseas listed companies.


Streamline materials and optimize processes. Material requirements are drastically reduced. Only necessary proof materials are required for auditing. Duplicated submission is not required for materials that have been recorded or saved in the capital account information system. Paper voucher is no longer needed for materials that can be checked via electronic tax vouchers. Secondly legal basis is simplifiedwith the deletion of less closely related regulationsthe legal system becomes much clearer. Thirdly阅读全部文章,请登录数字版阅读账户。 没有账户? 立即购买数字版杂志