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The Role of RCEP In Fostering the New Development Paradigm

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 1

Entering a new stage of developmentChina will quicken its pace in fostering a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. This policy has been formally stated by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. In this policy frameinternational economic cooperation plays a key role in building a stronger circulation between domestic and international circulation and domestic circulation will be as the mainstay. In 2020China and 14 other Asia-Pacific countries signed the world’s largest trade agreement-- the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). This is a great move for China to better be integrated into the regional cooperation and upgraded to an economy of better quality.


It is worthy of being noted that the failure of WTO Doha Round negotiations has hindered the process of world trade and investment liberalization. Howeversome countries began to build trade barriers and adopted one-sided industrial return policieswhich has intensified the uncertainty of the global economic and trade system and objectively enhanced the necessity and urgency of signing regional free trade agreements. The US-China trade friction since 2018 and the global epidemic of COVID-19 further severely damaged the globalization of trade and investment aimed at improving the efficiency of resource allocation. Many countries have begun to realize that the global value chain and supply chain should give attention to both efficiency and safety. In this contextRCEP is more realistic and feasible in the Asia-Pacific region.


Every country has close trading partnersand sign more open trade agreements with each otherwhich will not only consolidate the development partnershipbut also promote its own economic growth. In this senseRCEP agreement will further strengthen the East Asian production system.


New features of RCEP

The RCEP Agreement consists of a preface20 chaptersand four market access commitment table annexesincluding trade in goodstrade in servicestemporary movement of natural personsinvestmentintellectual property rightse-commercecompetitiongovernment procurementetc. The important contents of RCEP roughly include the following three aspects: Firstthe overall opening level of currency trade will reach over 90% (that issome will implement zero tariffothers will implement zero tariff within ten years)and the opening level of service trade and investment will significantly exceed the original "10+1" FTA. Secondthe negative list is used to negotiate investment access. ThirdChina and Japanas well as Japan and Koreahave reached a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) through RCEP. The RCEP member countries build a unified trade rules and service system and accelerate intra-regional trade liberalization. When foreign investors enter any member countrythey are equivalent to entering the whole region. This paper focuses on two characteristics of RCEP which are different from other protocols.


Firstthe rules of origin. According to international trade laws and regulationsimporters should provide certificates of origin in bilateral or multilateral free trade agreements to enjoy tax benefits. According to RCEPexcept for "completely acquired or produced goods"it is also stipulated that if the raw materials from RCEP member countries (could more than two) are processedthey can be regarded as the goods of the country of origin that can enjoy preferential tax rates. Some previous regional free trade agreements only allow bilateral accumulation. For examplewhen a member country's products export to another member countryonly semi-finished products between the two countries can be accumulatedwhile other countries in the region are not allowed to be accumulated. That isregional values cannot be accumulated among members of the agreement. RCEP stipulates the rule of "regional value component calculation"that isthe value in each member country can be accumulated to 40%.


Seconda new breakthrough in free trade agreements among ChinaJapan and Republic of Korea (or South Korea). East Asia supply chain is one of the three major supply chains in the world. JapanSouth Koreaand China are the core members of this chain. Industrial technology complementarity is greater than competitiveness among themand this helps promote the continuous quality upgrading of supply chain. Howevernone of the three countries have signed free trade agreements with each other. RCEP brings the breakthrough of China-Japan FTA. China has signed free trade agreements with 10 ASEAN countriesSouth KoreaAustraliaand New Zealand. By signing RCEPChina and Japan have established free trade relationsand it is the first time that China and Japan have reached a bilateral tariff reduction arrangementand the first time that China has signed a free trade agreement with a world trade power. It would greatly increase the trade between China and its free trade partners to about 35%and conducive to further strengthening the industrial complementarity between China and Japan. According to the data in UNTRADEJapan reduced taxes on Chinese goodsmainly focusing on textilesclothingand agricultural products. RCEP also brings the breakthrough of Korea-Japan FTA and helps improve the reallocation of investment in East Asian supply chain. Taking Japan as an exampleits FDI mainly serves the United States and East and Southeast Asia. Its investment in the United States serves the local marketand its investment in East and Southeast Asia is to improve the efficiency of vertical integration. RCEP promotes Japan's further investment in East Asiawhile RCEP clauses set higher intellectual property rightsconducive to reducing Japan's concerns about countries investing in the region.


RCEP and new development paradigm

In recent yearswith the changes of external environment and factor endowments of China's economic developmentthe kinetic energy of the "two ends outside" international circulation has changed. At presentChina's external constraints have been significantly enhanced. For examplethe industrial chain supply chain cycle has exposed some shortcomingsand some countries have tried their best to suppress domestic high-tech enterprises. International trade protectionism and unilateralism are prevalent frequently. At the same timethe domestic economic structure is in the transition periodthe potential of domestic demand is continuously releasedand the market potential can be expected. Since the international financial crisis in 2008China's economy has been changing to the domestic cycle as the main body. From "supply-side structural reform" to "smooth national economic circulation" and then to the new development pattern of "double circulation"from the perspective of development processit is intended to promote high-quality economic development by promoting the adaptation of supply system and demand structure. To promote trade globalization and international circulationwe are supposed to vigorously develop regional economic cooperation. For instanceRCEPComprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP) and "the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)" are all important starting points for realizing the international circulation.


Domestic demand is the starting point and core of "double circulation". To smooth the domestic "double cycle"it is necessary to create demand through supplyand two problems need to be solved. On the one hand

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