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A More Mature Foreign Exchange Market is Ready

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 2

 China’s foreign exchange market has successfully withstood great challenges of complicated and severe external shocks. The external environment we are facing has undergone significant changes during recent years. With the outbreak of COVID-19disaster of a kind unseen in a centurythe global economy suffers the worst recession since the World War II. The ultra-loose monetary policy of major developed economies is unprecedentedly aggressivewhile the volatility and vulnerability of international financial markets are intensifying with the time being. The international trade and investment order is confronting with major challenges from unilateralismprotectionism and bullying. In this contextChina’s foreign exchange market shows strong resilience and presents more mature development features. Renminbi exchange rate remains stable amid two-way fluctuationsand is expected to maintain stable in the future. There has been no constant accumulation of unilateral upward or downward pressures. Cross-border transactions are largely in line with actual trading needsmarket entities keep a rational trading model of “purchasing when the price drops and settling when the price goes up”which promotes a positive interaction between the balance of foreign exchange supply and demand and the stability of exchange rate. Basic equilibrium has been achieved in international balance of paymentscurrent account remains among an appropriate and balanced range for longtwo-way cross-border investments and financing are becoming more activecross-border capital flows are relatively balancedand foreign exchange reserves have remained at around $3.1 trillion.

The increasingly mature foreign exchange market has substantially improved its risk mitigation capabilities. Firstthe market-oriented reform of the renminbi exchange rate has been steadily promotedmarket supply and demand plays a decisive role in the formation of exchange ratesexchange rate flexibility is much stable than the currency of emerging marketsand gradually approaches that of developed markets. Nextwith the automatic stabilizer function of foreign exchange in adjusting balance of payments continues to strengthenpressure on foreign exchange market were effectively released. Nextreforms on two-way financial market opening up and facilitation continue to advance. The “Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect”“Bond Connect” and direct investment in the inter-bank bond market have been implemented one after anotherqualified investor system has been constantly improvingand domestic stocks and bonds have been included into the international mainstream indexes successively. As a resultour cros

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