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Addressing the Issues in China's Digital Economy Development

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 2

Professor Ba Shusong believes thatthe development of digital economy industry requires both re-positioning in the “dual circulation”economic development paradigm and the selection of targeted policy measures based on the new features of the digital economy industry.


With the invention of computer and the rapid development of electronic information technology,digitization has brought tremendous momentum to global economic growth,and objectively triggered a digital revolution. The revolution aims to digitalize information with information technology and the Internet, improving economic efficiency and realizing a new economic pattern that may reasonably allocate social production and resources - digital economy. In view of the situation in China,how can we achieve a higher level development in digital economy and promote the formation of a new dual-circulation development pattern  by ensuring its deep integration with the real economy? In this session’s China Forex,we had an exclusive interview with Professor Ba Shusong,Executive Dean of the HSBC Financial Research Institute of Peking University,Chief Economist of the China Banking Association and Vice President of the China Macroeconomics Association,and discussed major issues on China’s digital economy development.

China Forex: Digital economy has already become a major area of global competition and an important driving force for economic growth. At the current stagewhat are the differences of digital economy development between China and other countries? What are the focuses of the competition in this area? And what  international experiences China may learn from?

Ba Shusong: To look from a global perspectivethe differences of digital economy development between China and other countries are mainly reflected in three aspects.

Firstcompared to developed economiesChina’s digital economy has a large total scale but takes up a small GDP proportionthere is still much room for expansion. Statistics from China Academy of Information and Communications Technology shows that the United States topped the world in digital economy with a total scale of US$11.5 trillionwhile China ranks the second with US$4.02 trillion. In terms of the proportion of digital economy in total GDPGermanythe United Kingdom and the United States stay at the top levelwhile China only reaches a middle level with 30.5%. This means that although China’s digital economy is large in scaleit’s still underdevelopedwhich suggests there is plenty room for future growth.

Secondcompared to developed economiesChina’s digital economy development is uneven. McKinsey Global Institute measures the value added by ICT industries as a share of GDP in each region of major economiesand defines it as the iGDP Index. As per the resultdeveloped economies generally have a more balanced regional digital economy development than developing economies. That’s because their solid industrial foundations are able to provide more space for the integration and development of digital technology and real economy. Regional developmental differences also appear in developed economiesbut the differences are not as prominent as in a huge economy like China. Regional agglomeration is currently a major feature of China’s digital economy developmentand Beijing-Tianjin-HebeiYangtze River DeltaPearl River Deltaand the urban clusters in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are at the heart of digital economy development. This is also attributed to the superior economic foundation of these areaswhich provides sufficient resources (both talents and funds) for the development of the digital economybut also causes significant siphonic effect to the surrounding regions.

Thirdcompared to developed economiesChina has a more rapid growth in digital economyand our technological update and iteration are also relatively faster. Howeverwe need to further focus on the innovation and breakthroughs in key technical fieldsimprove the global layout of the industrial chain and supply chain related to digital economy and enhance its risk resistance capability. According to the calculation by Chinese Academy of Social SciencesChina’s total scale of digital economy might reach 32.67 trillion yuan by 2025and the overall nominal average annual growth rate will be 11.3%. This is a reflection of our industrial policy and enterprises’ investment in scientific and technological innovation in recent years. Technological innovationespecially the development of information and communication technologies related to digital economy and relevant enterprisesis on the top supporting list of senior government authoritiesindustrial policies and capital market policiesand  it is also the part that needs to be strengthened in China’s digital economy. China is expected to maintain a rapid growth in this fieldwhich also meansin order to promote the development of China’s digital economygreater efforts need to be made to drive technological innovation.

Digital economy development is valued by all the world’s major economies from the national strategic level. Almost all OECD members have developed their respective national digital development strategy. And as suggested by their strategiescompetition in digital economy mainly falls in the following areas.

Firstartificial intelligence (AI)block-chain and quantum computing are hot competitive fields. By mid-2020more than 60 countries formulated their national Al strategies. AustraliaChinaGermanyIndiaSwitzerland and other countries have launched block-chain strategies of their own. The United StatesChina and the European Union have also increased their research and development expenditures on quantum computing.

Seconddata access to public sectors and various market entitiesas well as data sharing under privacy protection would be a major focus in the future. China has a comparative advantage in this field. Innovation in data security is the key to promote the transformation of data into asset the major factor to balance privacy protection and data application potentiality releaseand  the major breakthrough direction of  digital economy development in the future.

Thirdpromoting digital industry and transforming traditional industries with digital technologies remain to be the focus in future global digital economy competitionwhich not only enables traditional industry transformationbut also makes data an effective production factor. ICT technology can be widely used in industrial manufacturingand will gradually facilitate the formation of new economic patterns including intelligent manufacturingpersonalized customizationnetworked collaborationand service-oriented manufacturing. Also along with its continuous development and innovationICT technology itself is becoming one of the leading industries of our economic societywhich will further promote the transformation of traditional industries with digital technologies.

Different countries are at different stages in digital economy developmentand vary from one another in endowment resourcesthus each country objectively has its own strategic needs to “strengthen advantages and make up for shortcomings” in the development process. It is also the future development trend of various countries in digital economy. The US and UK are among the first few countries to deploy and promote digital economy from the national strategic levelthus are much earlier than others in policy and regulation issuanceinfrastructure constructiontalent cultivationtechnology accumulation and  promotion. While for Japan and South Koreathe thriving digital information industry has laid a solid foundation for the development of their digital economy. Their long term policy support and laws and regulations on digital information industry also create favorable condition for digital economy growth. To learn from the successful experience of these countrieswe shall: Firstimprove our strategic development plan. To achieve the development of digital economythe developed countries not only rely on their strong economic strength and human resources but also  the formulation of strategic plans of digital economy which supports related key directions. In factthis is very similar practice whether it is in China or in Western countries who claimed they will never intervene in their industry. Nextattach importance to the protection of intellectual property rights. Innovative software and digital content companies that operate upon copyrighttrademarkpatent and trade secrets are the most active subjects in digital economy eraand effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights are critical to their operational success and growth. Lastenforce legal construction to ensure the security of digital economy. In order to cope with information security risks and ensure the healthy development of digital economymany countries put information security on its top list of national policy and work out all-round and comprehensive digital security strategies to coordinate related resources and strengths in related fields.

China Forex: China is speeding up efforts to foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. In your opinionhow should we promote it with digital economy?

Ba Shusong: Building the “dual circulation” development paradigmin which the domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each otheris a significant strategic layout during the 14th Five-Year Plan periodwhose social and economic impacts are all-round and fundamental. At the end of 2020the Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that “we must boost the digital economy”. The government work report of the Two Sessions also specified to speed up digitalization and pursue the Digital China. It is also clearly stated in the 14th Five-Year Plan that China is expecting the core industrial added value of digital economy to account for around 10% of GDP by 2025and relevant policies for the coming five years were deployed in four aspects as digital economydigital societydigital government and digital ecology.

The development of digital economy industry requires both re-positioning in the “dual circulation” economic development pattern and the selection of targeted policy measures based on the new features of the digital economy industry.

Firstmake good digital economy layout under the new development paradigm. At presentrelevant state departments and some regions have successively launched regional financial technology or digital economy development plans. The layout of new digital economy industry is inharmonious among different regions and industriesand most underdeveloped regions are only at the initial stage in their digital economy industry and enterprise development. Thereforewe should develop a national level development plan for digital economy industry based on the requirements of the new economic development paradigmwhich shall not only consider the long-term goal of integrated development of the digital economy industrybut also take into account the positive effect of digital economy development on real economy regional coordinationso as to lead the development and planning of digital economy across the country.

Nextrealize the integration between digital economy industry and  other industries. The industrialization of digital economy means to develop special productsnew organizational forms and brands with market power for the digital economy industry. On one handwe need to center on the new development paradigm to boost the platform economy. By the platformization of industrial economywe break the limitations of domestic and foreign economic operations in time and spacerealize more transactions in cyberspace and improve the successful rate of related transactions and widely apply digital economy technology to platform economy and real economy development. On the other handwe should strengthen the all-round integration of the digital and real economy. Both the industrialization of the digital economy and the digitization of real economy have a long way to go. We must ensure that digital economy industry fully covers real economy and is fully integrated to it.  We  need to ensure that such integration is happened on a systematical level further and  the new generation of information technology is wildly applied in consumptioncirculationtradingdistribution and the whole process of domestic and foreign trade activities in supporting the “dual circulation” development paradigm.

Finallygive play to the unique function of digital economy in promoting the “dual circulation” economic pattern. Logisticscommercial creditand supply chain finance are the key links in the new “dual circulation” development paradigm. To give full play to the function of digital economy in “dual circulation”we should fully make the advantages of digital technologyinnovate new economic development patternpromote the smooth operation of social value chainsupply chain and industry chainand enha

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