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Latest Progress on the Market Making Regime in China

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 2

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange will continue to guide market makers to strengthen their competitiveness in spotforwardswapand option transactions. The goal is to facilitate liquidity in the foreign exchange market and improve the market-based exchange rate mechanism.

In 2005SAFE issued the Guidelines for Inter-bank Foreign Exchange Market Makers (for Trial Implementation) (hereafter referred to as the “Guidelines”)which was revised in 2010 and again in 2013 to adapt to the development of the foreign exchange market.

In recent yearswith the steady progress in the two-way opening-up of the financial market the need for an improved market-making regime is urgent. In light of this factSAFE has made new revisions to the Guidelines based on in-depth research and broad consultation. The latest version was released in January 2021.

In the interview with Qiao Linzhidirector of the Exchange Rate and Market DivisionSAFE's Balance of Payments Departmenthe explained the context and key points of the revision and pointed out the direction for the development of the regime.

China Forex: The Guidelines issued in 2005 officially brought a CNY-USD market-making regime to the inter-bank foreign exchange market. What was the purpose of building such a regime at that time?

Qiao Linzhi: In 2002the SAFE piloted EUR-USD and HKD-USD market-making regimes. In the first half of 2004we started to work on the CNY-USD market-making regime. After the 2005 exchange rate reformwe issued the Guidelines to support the bilateral inquiry transaction pattern launched in the inter-bank market  and officially introduced the regime to the market.

At that timethe introduction of market making regime was aimed to the aspects as follows. Firstlyimprove the services and functions of the foreign exchange market. The market-making regime is a mature trading system in the financial marketand market makers play an important role in price discovery and liquidity supply which provide the most importment resourcs of liquidities  to the market. The regime provides more options for market transactionsenabling stronger development and better services in China’s foreign exchange market.

Secondlyperfect the market-based renminbi exchange rate mechanism. An efficient foreign exchange market is a very important condition for the mechanism formation of renminbi exchang rate. Establishing market-making regime is a critical link for foreign exchange market itselfwhich can enable an effective relation and transmission mechanism between exchange rate fluctuations and market supply and demand. Through incremental stepsthe market-making regime can increase the resilience of the renminbi exchange rate and help to form a market-based exchange rate mechanism.

Lastlyenhance the market competitiveness and coping capacity of market participants. The market-making regime and trading models require market-makers to have a solid market-based foundationgood reputationstrong pricing powerand risk management ability. After the accession to the WTOChina opened up more to the world. With a higher level of opening-upthe need for broader and deeper market growth and competitiveness of market participants is much urgent. Building the market-making regime and  fostering a batch of market makers with high qualities can deliver a synchronized development of market-makers and the market.

China Forex: In addition to revising the Guidelineswhat rules and management measures did SAFE take to support the operation of market makers?

Qiao Linzhi: To adapt to the demands of the market in different stages of developmentSAFE made adjustment in a set of rules to give full play to market makers.

Firstwe expanded the range within which the exchange rate fluctuates. When we first put the market-making regime in placethe range was narrowwhich made it difficult to quote bilateral pricesincreased costsand dampened the market-making sentiment. Starting in 2007the People’s Bank of China and SAFE expanded the range of the trading price from 0.3% to 2% above or below the mid-price. Since thenmarket makers can quote bilateral prices based on their positionsand analyses and forecasts of the exchange rate. This move boosted the renminbi foreign exchange market making.

Secondwe improved the management of positions in foreign exchange surrendering and settlement. In 1994a national foreign exchange market was set up in China. For quite a long time afterwardpositions of foreign exchangemanaged with positive exposure limitwere mainly reserved for customer needs in foreign exchange surrendering and settlement. After the 2005 exchange rate reformSAFE pressed ahead with the reform in the management of positions in foreign exchange surrendering and settlement. The goal was to let market makers better adjust bilateral positionshave flexible pricing and risk control. In 2012a positive and negative range of the management was put in placegiving market makers more leeway to manage their positions.

Thirdwe guided the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (hereinafter referred to as the “System”) to  improve its electronic trading system and reduce transaction and clearing costs. As to system constructionthe System drawed on the experience of international financial market and consistently improved trade system.

In 2006the System launched electronic bilateral  inquiry trade patternwhile retaining centralized bidding and matching trading and other existing trade models. Market makers could thus quote bilateral prices on the foreign exchange trading platformand banks could thus make requests for quotations. Since 2007the electronic centralized bidding had been led by market makers quotations and market maker-ordinary bank matchinghowever mainly quotations. We launched CFETSFX2009CFETSFX2017and other new trading platforms to improve the trading mechanismenhance market-making efficiencyand facilitate price discovery.

Furthermorein the aspect of lowering trade and settlement costmarket makers have to continuously buy and sell and offer to provide liquidity to the market. To this endthey must have a much larger volume of transactions than their needs to close positions. In light of this factSAFE provided “more support for transaction costs” and guided the System to improve the efficiency and lower the costs of transactions and foreign exchange clearing.

Fourthwe maintained a stable foreign exchange market. In recent yearswith a faster pace of opening up in its financial marketChina has witnessed more balanced international payments.  The unilateral trend of the foreign exchange rate has been reversed and  the two-way fluctuations of renminbi exchange rate have been strengthened. Meanwhilethanks to SAFE’s efforts to deepen the reform and increase the opening up of the foreign exchange marketthe market experienced a boost in transactions and entity diversity. A good foreign exchange market substantially reduced the pressure of market makers to provide liquidity and manage risks of positions.

China Forex: Why do the SAFE make the latest revision to the Guidelines? What are the key points of this revision?

Qiao Linzhi: In order to deepen the development of foreign e

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