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Advance the Construction and Development of Chengdu-Chongqing...

来源:CHINA FOREX 2021 Issue 2

Title: Advance the Construction and Development of Chengdu-Chongqing Western International Financial Center


The co-construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Western International Financial Center (WIFC) is an important part of the central government’s decision to build the Chengdu-Chongqing  two-city economic circle. The joint construction of WIFC by the two cities will help provide high-level financial support for the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing two-city economic circleand facilitate the sound circulation of economy and finance. The two cities should take this as an opportunity to accelerate financial reform and opening upcontinue to strengthen the capabilities in financial resource pooling and economic boostingfull play the leading role of open platform and open channel and advance the construction and development of the WIFC with no effort spared.

Sound Foundation and Broad Opportunity for WIFC Co-construction

Chengdu-Chongqing region has dominant advantage in western China in both of the economic and financial aggregates and the openness level. In 1993Chengdu was positioned the financial center of southwest region by the State Counciland Chongqing was set as the financial center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in 2009. Over the yearsthe two cities have made remarkable achievements in both economic and financial construction and open economic development. To look at the economic and financial aggregatesthe GDP of Sichuan and Chongqing totaled 31.6 trillion yuan during the 13th Five-Year Plan periodaccounting for 33.8% of the total GDP of the western region during the same period. Aggregate financing of the two regions grew by 7.2 trillion yuanaccounting for 34.7% of the total in western China. By the end of 2020the balance of domestic and foreign currency loans in Sichuan and Chongqing was 11.3 trillion yuanwhich is 33% of the total amount in the western region. In terms of open economyduring the 13th Five-Year Plan periodthe total import and export of Sichuan and Chongqing accounted for 53.4% of the total amount in the western region with the number of 5.5 trillion yuan.

Chengdu-Chongqing region also leads the western part in terms of the systematic construction of financial institutions. According to statistics from PBOC Chengdu branch and PBOC Chongqing Operations Officeby the end of 2020the number of bankssecurities and insurance financial institutions in Chengdu and Chongqing totaled 498among which 33 were foreign-funded financial institutions. New financial institutionsquasi financial institutionsprivate equity financefinancial intermediaries and financial service outsourcing have all developed rapidly. Several national or regional functional financial institutions are settled hereand the head office of a few banks have chosen these two cities to set up their back-office service centersasset management centersconsumer finance centers and international business operation centers. The extending financial institution system provides diversified financial services for the western region.

Moreovera series of financial innovation pilots are approved to be carried out in the Chengdu-Chongqing region. Under the support of the PBOC and SAFEover 30 foreign exchange management and cross-border renminbi business innovation pilot projectsalong with pilots on financial technology applicationfinancial standard innovationfinancial technology innovation supervision and digital renminbi application were approved to be carried out in this region during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. National Fin-tech Certification Center also landed in Chongqing. These innovative pilot projects effectively enriched and optimized the supply of financial policiesand provided strong support for the effective promotion of trade and investment facilitation and improvement of financial technology development level.

Chengdu-Chongqing region has also achieved significant results in providing financial support for constructions of open platforms. During recent yearsthe CPC Central Committee and the State Council have made unprecedented efforts to support the opening up of the Chengdu-Chongqing region. Various open platformssuch as the China-Singapore Chongqing Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivitypilot free trade zonesstate-level new areahigh-tech zones and comprehensive bonded zones have been set up in this region. The financial support for the construction of these platforms has also been advanced with remarkable success: the two-way financial opening up between China and Singapore is deepeningthe China-Singapore Financial Summit has become an international platform for financial interconnection between 12 western provinces and cities and 10 ASEAN countriesand a total of 150 projects have been launched through the China-Singapore cross-border financing channel which as a total amounts to US$13.1 billionwith the average interest rate 1.03 percentage points lower than that in mainland China. The Sichuan and Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zones have carried out over 10 pilot reforms and innovations in foreign exchange managementand most of the pilot policies have been gradually extended beyond the free trade zones.

To view from the need to build an international logistics hubopportunities for the development of financial servicesespecially  the cross-border financial service  in this region would be huge. Years of development has endowed the Chengdu-Chongqing region with the geographical advantages to connect Europe and Asia and coordinate development between land and marine. In the eastoverseas transport over the ocean and land could be realized through the waterway of Yangtze River and the railway passage along it. In the souththe new western land-sea corridor originated from Chongqing has been upgraded to a major strategic deployment. In the westthe China-Europe Railway Express project strengthens the relationship between the Chengdu-Chongqing region and the EU. In the norththe China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor will be connected with the Chongqing-Manchuria-Russia line and the Chengdu-Europe Northern Line. Even in the midst of a pandemic shockthe development of open channels in Chengdu-Chongqing region has gained growth against trend: Chongqing opened 2,603 China-Europe Railway Express with a value of 90 billion yuanwhich  increased 70.8% and 64.5% year on year respectively. The Western New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor was launched and provided 4,295 freight services with a value of 13.32 billion yuanwhich increased 91.2% and 33.3% year on year respectively.

Future Implementation Plan for WIFC Co-construction

While seeing the sound foundation and broad opportunities in WIFC co-constructionwe should also realize thatcompared to the eastern coastal areas such as the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Areathere is still much to improve in the service of financial institutionsfinancial market system construction and financial innovation ability for the Chengdu-Chongqing region. By taking the financial system construction in the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a standardthe Chengdu-Chongqing region should make more efforts to strengthen its advantages and improve its weakness based on the distinct geographic advantages and local economic characteristicspushing the financial construction in the western region to a new level.

Continue to Strengthen the Financial Resource-pooling Capability

The increasingly rich financial institutional system in the Chengdu-Chongqing region provides diversified financial services to real economy development in west region. We need to keep improving the top-level design and mechanism  during WIFC co-constructionclosely follow the features of local real economyand strive to create financial services with special characteristics. To be specificwe should: firststrengthen the financial services to foster advanced industrial clusters. Increase financial support for advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industriesand promote open cooperation among high-level industries to build various industrial clusters that can influence and lead the development of the region. Secondenhance financial services for technological innovation. By leveraging the advantages of the Western (Chongqing) Science Citythe Western (Chengdu) Science City and China (Mianyang) Science Cityfocus on serving the construction of a technological innovation platformintroduce domestic and foreign financial resources through multiple channelsand support the application of technological innovations  in actual productivity. Thirdstrengthen financial services for infrastructure construction. Innovate investment and financing models and broaden their channelsand focus on supporting the construction of important infrastructures such as  traffictransportationlogisticscommunications and energy. Fourthstrengthen financial services that may cultivate and expand the scale of market players. Support local deserving businesses to participate in domestic and foreign market. Help large multinational companies to set up regional headquarters plus functional institutions such as R&D and settlement in this region. Sixthconsolidate the policy support system. Constantly improve the linkage mechanism among fiscalfinancialtaxindustrial and other policies to form an effective policy support system with local characteristics.

Continue to Enhance the Boosting Capability of the Financial Resources

Compared to the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay AreaChengdu-Chongqing region lacks national  or regional level financial market

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