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China's Economy Is Expected to Shift to a Self-Sustaining Recovery Driven...

来源:《CHINA FOREX》 2021 Issue 3

Title: China's Economy Is Expected to Shift to a Self-Sustaining Recovery Driven by Domestic Demand

In the first half of this yearChina's economy was facing a number of problemssuch as the repeated local outbreaks of COVID-19 in China and other countriesthe not-yet-stabilized domestic economic recoverythe increased pressure of imported inflation and the rising leverage ratio after the outbreak. In response to the above-mentioned problemsthe macro-policies took effect promptly and achieved remarkable results. In the second quarterChina's GDP grew by 7.9% year-on-yearshowing a sustained and stable recovery trend; the two-year average growth rate reached 5.5%which was close to the potential economic growth rate. Exports and real estate were still the main pillars of China's economy in the first half of the yearwhile consumption and manufacturing investments recovered a bit slowly.

Looking into the second half of the yearthe accelerated global vaccination may lead to a gradual restoration of overseas productionand China's economywhich is usually driven by overseas demandis expected to shift to a self-sustaining recovery driven by domestic demand. At the same timereal estate investmentin the face of policy constraintswill likely fall from the high levelbut with the orderly progress in epidemic prevention and controlthe recovery of the domestic service industry is expected to accelerate; and with the reduction of industrial costssuch as the implementation of the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) cutthe investments in manufacturing enterprises will likely be supported. Grantedwith the practice of the new monetary theory in developed countriesthe global inflation rate may rise significantlycontinuous attention should still be paid to the risk of imported inflation. Against the backdrop of a rising base numberChina's GDP growth rate is expected to fall below 6% in the second half of the yearand its annual GDP growth rate will be around 8.5%.

China has prominent advantages in industrial chainsbut the rising base number may lead to a marginal slowdown in the second half of the year

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 last yearexports and real estate investments have become the main drivers of economic growth. Before the outbreakthe exports were a bit sluggish due to the impact of Sino-US economic and trade frictions. Howeverthe massive stimulus measures in developed economies drove the recovery of demands after the outbreakand at the same timeChina's production industry recovered earlier than the rest of the worldwhich made China's advantages in industrial chains more prominent. Thereforeexports became the main driving force supporting domestic economic growth. From April to Junethe year-on-year growth of exports in dollar terms was as high as 32.2%27.8% and 32.2%exceeding market expectationsand what was morethe goods exported gradually changed from durable goods (including home supplies and commodities related to real estate) to non-durable consumer goods (including suitcases and shoes) and capital goods (including machinery and transportation equipment). According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statisticsin the first half of 2021the contribution rate of net exports to GDP growth reached 19.1%which was still in the historically high range.

Howeverconsidering that the main line of global recovery is shifting from tradable commodities to non-tradable services and the rollout of vaccines is driving the recovery of overseas production (especially in emerging markets) plus the base effectChina's export growth rate will fall in the second half of the yearand there will be more uncertainties in the future. As a forward-looking indicatorthe PMI New Export Order Index was 48.3% and 48.1% in May and Junerespectivelywhich has been below 50% for two consecutive months.

The employment market for migrant workers has steadily recoveredand the endogenous growth momentum of consumption has strengthened

Affected by the expected instability caused by COVID-19the recovery of household consumption and manufacturing investment in the first half of the year was relatively lagging behind and unable to carry on the momentum of exports and real estate. In terms of consumptiondue to the increased income disparity caused by the pandemicthe increase in household savings and the restriction of consumption scenariosconsumption was recovering quite slowly. Specificallyfirstthe sudden outbreak of COVID-19 intensified the income disparity between different groupsand low- and middle-income groups suffered greater impacts. According to data from the National Bureau of Statisticsfrom January to Junethe gap continued to widen between the year-to-date year-on-year growth rate (7.4%) of the per capita disposable income of Chinese residents and the year-to-date year-on-year growth rate (5.9%) of the median one. Secondhaving concerns about employment and incomeresidents tended to save more and consume less. According to the survey of the People's Bank of Chinaresidents' willingness to save remained at a high level of 49.4% while their willingness to consume was only 25.1% in the second quarter. Thirdthe repeated outbreaks of COVID-19 in local areas and the limited consumption scenarios for residents made the recovery of service consumption a bit sluggish. From January to Junethe total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 4.4% year-on-year on average for the past two yearsof which commodity consumption increased by 4.9%while the growth rate of food service incomewhich represents service consumptiondropped to -0.1%.

Looking into the second half of the yearwith the steady repair of the economythe increased support for low-income groups and the gradual comeback of service consumptionhousehold consumption will continue to recover. In particularthe improvement in the employment of migrant workers will drive the consumption of low-income groups to pick up. For examplethe number of migrant workers in the second quarter reached 180 millionwhich was very close to the level before the pandemicand the average monthly income growth rate rose to 4.7% for the past two years. Also in the second quarterthe retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas increased by 14.3% year-on-year and 4.8% on average for the past two yearswhich was 1.6% higher than that in the first quarter1.3% greater than that in urban areas.

Real estate investments fell from the high leveland manufacturing enterprises was gaining confidence steadily

Real estate is another important engine driving this economic recovery. In the first half of the yearreal estate investments were quite resilientwith an average growth rate of 8.3% for the past two years. Howeversince the second half of last yearthe "Three Red Lines" aimed at real estate financing and other regulatory policies have been successively issuedimposing great pressure on the financing of real estate companies and forcing them to reduce the increase (land acquisition and new construction) and digest the stock (construction completion). In the first half of the yearthe year-to-date land purchase area and new construction area only increased by -6.5% and -2.0% year-on-year (the year-on-year data related to real estate investments in 2021 are all two year averages)while the floor area completed increased by 6.1% year-on-year (the year-on-year growth rate for June was close to 25%).

Howeveraccording to the latest datathe year-on-year growth rates of the sales area of commercial residential buildings and the capital source for real estate enterprises in June fell to 4.8% and 8.5% respectivelyand that of real estate investments also fell to 7.2% in the same month (the lowest level since last May). Once the real estate sales boom starts to cool downthe impact of the new financing regulations on investment will become more prominent. Coupled with the decline of new construction and other leading indicators and the weakening of pulling effect of land purchase costsit is expected that real estate investments will experience pressure and fall in the second half of the year.

In terms of manufacturing investmentsthe recovery of investments by domestic manufacturing enterprises was not as fast as expected in the first half of the yearwhich seems to be contradictory to the high increase in corporate profitshigh capacity utilizationand enhanced policy suppo

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