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Divergent Recovery and Structural Reshaping Remain the Theme of the...

来源:《CHINA FOREX》 2021 Issue 3

Title:Divergent Recovery and Structural Reshaping Remain the Theme of the Global Economy

The global economy under COVID-19 is clearly showing the tendency of rapid recovery and structural reshaping. With strong support from counter-cyclical macroeconomic policies in various countriesscience and technology innovation (especially biomedicine and digital technology) is playing a key rolegreen and digital recovery are releasing new momentumand major countries are taking a clearer lead. Looking aheadwhat is unfolding is a completely different global economic landscape compared to before the pandemicone where risks and challenges coexist with opportunities. All parties are required to be more level-headed to grasp the trends and seize the future.

Three Key Features of the Global Economy in the First Half of 2021

The pandemic is a key variable in global economic performance. The situation was particularly severe in the first half of 2020and since thenas vaccine developmentinoculation and virus variants move forwardeconomic recovery in various places of the world undulatedshowing the following three main features.

Firstglobal economy has rebounded from a "V-shaped" scenario and entered a critical period of “recovering lost ground”. The impact of 2020 pandemic on the economy is rare in history. The "great lockdown" paused the economywhich quickly triggered a resonance effect across all countries in the context of globalization. As a resultglobal economy quickly slipped into recession on an unusually steep slope. As China quickly brought the pandemic under control and the U.S. and U.K. unblocked their economies by making breakthroughs in vaccine technologymajor economies swiftly adopted unprecedentedly large-scale economic stimulus measures. Against this backdropthe global economy rebounded rapidly on a very steep slope. As can be observed in the curveglobal economy is on a "V-shaped" track from 2020 to the first half of 2021 (see Figure 1). Judging by inflation-adjusted real economic indicatorsreal economies of the G20 countrieswhich account for around 80% of the global economyhave recovered their ground lost in the pandemic. In particularglobal industrial production and trade volumes have surpassed their pre-pandemic levelswith the output gap narrowed down and the real economy growth approaching its potential level. Compared with the prolonged "L-shaped" recovery following the global crisis in 2008-2009the global economy is obviously recovering at a fast speed in 2020-2021. The main reason is that the current pandemic crisis is not a financial onemeaning that the recovery is significantly bolstered by the relatively robust financial institutions and dynamic financial markets.


Secondthe overall recovery is accompanied by great structural differentiationwhile the global economic landscape is being reshaped. As different countries have different stages of developmentpolitical and cultural backgroundstechnological conditions and room for macro policiestheir pandemic are also contained with different levels of effectiveness. In additionvarious industries have unequal capacity to adapt to the pandemicand various types of demand activities have different response  to anti-pandemic measures and resilience to macro policies. The economies therefore showed differentiated trendshence a "K-shaped" divergent recovery. Consequentiallydespite the overall rapid global recoverystructuralregional and sectoral imbalances are still relatively pronouncedaccelerating the reconfiguration of the post-crisis world economy.

With regards to regions and countriesChina and the U.S. are leading the recovery of emerging and developed markets respectivelywith the Asia-Pacific region significantly ahead of other regions in speed and progress. In the first quarter of 2021China's real GDP was 6.8% higher than before the pandemicreturning to the line of the long-term growth trend and staging the best performance among the world's major economies (see Figure 2). The U.K.howeversaw its GDP still 8.8% lower than pre-pandemic level in the first quarterfurther departing from the long-term growth tendency and becoming the most lagging one among major economies. Looking at the industrial production and international trade data with higher frequencysimilar trends emerge (see Table 1).



In terms of sectorsthe manufacturing and mining sectors recover significantly faster than the service sector. In April 2021the global airline load factor was only 63.3%still far below the pre-pandemic level of over 80%. In Maythe number of restaurant dinners worldwide were still 18.9% lower than the same period in 2019. The trends of various industry sectors in the global equity markets basically reflected the differentiated recoverywith energyfinance and technology sectors standing out.

Thirdthe divergent economic recovery is accompanied by significant risksalready quietly changing investor behavior and market expectations. The impact of the pandemic is all-encompassing and highly intense. The responding policies are unprecedented in scales and methodswhich in turn bring new risks mainly represented by risks of inflationasset bubblesovereign debt and geopolitics.

Regarding the risk of asset bubblesthe ultra-low benchmark interest rates and massive easing policies by global central banks have significantly improved global liquidity. Howeverthat liquidity has not fully flowed to the real economy. On the contrary it has significantly increased investors' risk appetite. Consequentiallymore of global capital has been allocated to high-risk assets such as those in emerging marketsreal estateequitieshigh-yield bonds and commoditiesintensifying the inflation of asset bubbles. Once global policies adjust under inflationary pressures and market expectations shift along withthe risk of asset bubbles bursting will emerge. The financial instability factors caused by overvalued assets have already been highlighted by the Financial Stability Report by the Federal Reserve in May 2021.

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