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Seven Pieces of Experience of the Opening-Up of China's Financial Market

来源:《CHINA FOREX》 2021 Issue 3

The history of China's reform and opening up is a history of breaking the old and creating the newbravely exploring and boldly innovating. Financial market openingas an important part of the great practice of reform and opening uphas gained valuable experience for expanding opening up on all fronts and establishing an internationalized financial system compatible with the new system of an open economy at a higher level.

One: Adhering to the concept that finance serves the real economy

For a long timeChina has always emphasized that finance is supposed to serve the real economy. Since the beginning of reform and opening up in 1978the relationship between finance and real economy in China has been gradually straightened out. In 1991Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that "Finance is the core of modern economy. If finance is activatedeverything is activated." Since the international financial crisis in 2008China's financial industry has experienced a rapid growthturning China into a major financial country compatible with its status as a major manufacturing state. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches on financial work at the National Financial Work Conferencethe 19th National Congress of CPCthe Central Economic Work Conference and other conferencesstressing that finance should serve the real economy and meet the needs of economic and social development and the people.

In promoting the two-way opening of the financial marketChina has firmly headed in the direction that the financial opening serves the development of real economy. Firstfinancial opening has focused on the main contradiction of China's resource endowment. At the beginning of the reform and opening upChina faced the shortage of foreign exchange and capital. In this contextall measures for market opening and foreign exchange administration focused on this main contradiction in economic development. In terms of policy orientationmanagement systems and management conceptsall emphasis was placed on increasing the effective supply of foreign exchange and ensuring reasonable distribution of foreign exchange demand.

Additionallythe policies were adjusted in time in the subsequent historic changes in China's resource endowmentso as to make full use of foreign exchange funds to escort the rapid economic development. Secondthe development of renminbi convertibility has followed the principle of opening from the current account to the capital account. In December 1996China's current account became convertibleadapting to the development mode of export-oriented economy. Since the beginning of the 21st centurycapital account convertibility has been promoted in an orderly mannerand resource allocation at home and abroad has been further optimized. On the wholeprojects correlated strongly with the real economy have been more open. Thirdthe form of financial opening has been targeted at fulfilling the needs of the real economy. In the early stage of reform and opening upin order to narrow the "double gap" of capital and foreign exchange in the development of real economyChina mainly facilitated the financial opening and foreign capital utilization by indirect financing such as trade financing and bank loansefficiently supporting the development of real economy. Since the beginning of the new centurythe way of foreign capital utilization in China has gradually changed from indirect financing to direct financing such as issuing stocks and bonds in overseas capital marketsbut the principle of actual need remains a basic principle for enterprises and individuals to participate in various activities of financial opening. Fourthcross-border arbitrage and illegal activities have been severely cracked down on. China has clamped down on false and deceptive transactionsillegal activities in the foreign exchange sector like underground banksand behaviors such as market manipulationmisleading and deceiving investorsso as to ensure that financial opening serves the real economy.

Two: Taking the path of expanding financial opening step by step

Financial opening should take into account both the favorable factors such as the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength and the ability to resist financial risksand the adverse ones like the unreasonableness in economic structure and the vulnerability in financial system. Based on thisChina has promoted financial opening in a phased and step-by-step manner in accordance with the stage of economic developmentthe level of macroeconomic regulation and the ability of financial supervision.

Firststep by step features the steady progress of the opening up. Financial reformsincluding exchange rate marketization and renminbi convertibilityneed to take gradual steps according to the actual conditions instead of being settled at one go. The market-oriented reform of China's exchange rate has taken a path from the dual exchange rate system to the single and administrative floating exchange rate systemand develops to the administrative floating exchange rate system based on market supplies and demands and referring to "a currency basket" for adjustment. With regard to renminbi convertibilityChina has followed the basic order of current account before capital accountlong term before short terminflows before outflowsand institutions before individuals. It can be seen that the reforms of the mechanism of renminbi exchange rate formation and the renminbi convertibility under capital account are both incremental reforms that start from the margin and substitute Pareto improvement for Pareto optimalcorrectly handling the relationship between reformdevelopment and stability.

Secondstep by step is reflected in the gradual expansion of the scope of opening up. In expanding China's financial openingpilot projects are carried out before the policies are widely implementedwhich is a remarkable feature of China's reform and opening up. In the process of supporting financial openingforeign exchange administration has carried out many pilot projects in such areas as facilitating the payment of receipts under capital accountthe external debt of non-financial enterprisesand the foreign exchange sales and purchases by non-bank financial institutions. The practice shows that the effective selection of appropriate open windowplatform and frameworkand the orderly promotion of opening from pilot areas to the whole country can reduce the cost of trial and errorsteadily improving China's financial opening level and financial system competitivenessand forestalling systemic financial risks.

Three: Following the development path of a major country with China as the mainstay

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee that since the beginning of reform and opening upespecially after China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO)China has joined the international circulation. With both market and resources being "outside"China has become "the world factory". Accordinglyfinancial opening is characterized by active utilization of the international financial market to serve the international circulation. In the early stage of reform and opening upindirect financing such as overseas trade financing and bank loans was the main way for China to use the international financial market. From 1979 to 1991China's foreign loans totaled US$52.56 billioncompromising 65% of the actually utilized foreign capital. After the accession to WTO in 2001China has deeply integrated into the global industrial chainwith the level of corporate internationalization greatly improved. The focus of external financing has shifted to the developed international financial markets in Europe and the United Statesand direct financing channels represented by Chinese concept stocks and Chinese dollar bonds have successively expandedbroadening the channels to fill the capital gap by using the services of international financial markets.

After the global financial crisis in 2008the domestic financial market has been playing an increasingly important role in opening up. China has begun to show typical characteristics of a major economy in recent yearswith its key feature and core advantage being the domestic big circulation as the main drive. The strong domestic market has become the biggest competitiveness of Chinaand also the greatest attraction of opening to the outside world. With the gradual development and maturity of China's economy and financial marketit is an objective law and unstoppable process of historical development to promote high-level and two-way opening through comprehensively synergizing the domestic financial market with international best practices. In this contextin order to give better play to the internal advantages of China's super-large economythe focus of the overall planning of the domestic and international situation has gradually shifted to the domestic market and the renminbiwhich complies with the basic law of financial opening of a major country.

Four: Balancing the relationship between reformopening updevelopment and stability with a systematic approach

Firsttaking into account various relationships in the financial sector in a systematic way. Financial market opening involves many aspects such as market accessforeign exchange administrationforeign exchange marketand renminbi internationalization. The important experience of China's financial opening is to coordinate the opening in various fields as an organic part of a complete system at both the macro level and the micro levelincluding the long-term and short-term development of the fiscal and financial sectors. The opening of a single financial market needs to fully take into account the stability of renminbi exchange rate and effective control of cross-border capital flowsso as to avoid the negative impact of the "individual advancement" in this field on other fields.

Secondsticking to the policy combination of "intermediate solution" rather than "corner solution". In an open economyaccording to the "triple paradox"a country can only achieve two of the three goals (exchange rate stabilitymonetary policy independence and free capital flow)namely the "corner solution". HoweverChina has provided a different solution in advancing reform and opening up in a coordinated way: the three goals are all kept through the combination of "partial stability of exchange ratepartial independence of monetary policy and partial free flow of capital"; meanwhilethe three tools are all usedthat is the managed floating of the renminbi exchange ratea balanced monetary policy and incomplete convertibility under the capital account. This combination of "intermediate solution" is most suitable for the reality of China's gradual financial openingand pushes forward China's financial reform in a way featuring discretion and Pareto improvement.

Five: Taking the road of financial opening with Chinese characteristics based on our conditions

China's financial opening has not rigidly followed the economic and financial liberalization order of Transition Economics to adopt the one-step "shock therapy" or the "Washington Consensus" of neoliberalism. Insteadbased on its conditions as a developing countryChina has grasped the basic laws and the changes of the main contradiction in economic and financial developmentand concentrated on solving the prominent problems in financial reform and opening up at present and in the future. Once the key link is graspedeverything else falls into place.

When unilateral expectations appear in the financial marketthe main policy objective is to stabilize the market and prevent risks. Facing the impact of the Asian financial crisis in 1998China finally achieved the set goal of "stabilizing the exchange rate and increasing reserves" through the means of foreign exchange administration. When the foreign exchange market was faced with the intensive impact of the vicious circle of "falling exchange rate expectation - cross-border capital outflow - declining foreign exchange reserves" at the end of 2015the market expectations and the balance of supply and demand were stabilized and the vicious circle was broken by maintaining the basic stability of the renminbi exchange rate at a reasonable and equilibrium level. When the internal and external environment is relatively stablethe main policy goal is to deepen the reform. From 2009 to 2015with the basic balance of international paymentsthe administration of foreign exchange has followed the overall plan of opening the financial sector wider to both domestic and international marketsand proposed the "five changes" in management concepts and methodswith the emphasis shifting from review and approval to monitoring and analysisfrom pre-event supervision to after-the-event managementfrom behavior management to entity managementfrom "guilt assumption" to "innocence assumption"and from "positive list" to "negative list". These measures have both expanded the opening of the capital accountand facilitated the foreign exchange utilization.

Six: Following the financial opening strategy driven by both reform and opening up

Openness fosters competitionand competition improves efficiency. Since China's accession to WTOsectors that are more open to the outside worldmore motivated to introduce foreign capitaland more active to participate in the allocation of global resourcesgenerally enjoy better development and stronger competitiveness. Thereforethe financial industry should unswervingly take the road of modernization driven by reform and opening up.

Firstfinancial opening has diversified the financial products. New business forms such as unsecured credit loansvillage banks and personal agency of insurance saleshave all been introduced by foreign-funded institutions to help meet the diversified needs of the rapidly growing market. Secondfinancial opening has improved the ability and level of the financial sector to serve the real economy. Foreign-funded banks with the advantages in governance structuremanagement moderisk pricing and other aspects have served as a good example for Chinese banks. The transformation and upgrading of domestic financial institutions have been accelerated in the competitionand the operational efficiency and service quality of the financial industry have also been improved. Thirdfinancial opening has also improved the institutional rules and stimulated the supply of financial policiescontributing to high-quality economic development.

Chinese institutions have the ability and space to cope with the competition from foreign financial institutions. China's financial market capacity is large enough to accommodate more foreign financial institutions. More importantlythere is not only competition between Chinese and foreign institutionsbut also opportunities for win-win cooperation. Foreign financial institutions generally enjoy advantages in businessproducts and management abilitywhile Chinese financial institutions have natural advantages in market resourcescustomers and channels. Thusthey can take advantage of each other's strengths for common development.

Seven: Protecting fundamentals and making innovations to safeguard China's financial securitystability and development interests

Financial security is an essential part of national security. In promoting financial openingChina has persisted in protecting our foundations while making innovationsand constantly increasing the effective supply of financial opening policiesso as to meet the needs of market entities for foreign exchange utilizationand prevent systemic financial risks.

The term 'protecting fundamentals' refers to means that China attaches great importance to the supply of financial security policies in financial opening. China has advanced the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity in an open environmentand improved the modern financial supervision system that responds to external shocks. On the one handwe have established a "macro-prudential and micro-regulatory" management framework for cross-border capital flows consistent with international practices and Chinese characteristicsmaintaining the stability of the foreign exchange market and China's economic and financial security. We have also kept foreign exchange reserves above US$3 trillion to serve as a stabilizer and ballast for China's economic and financial security. On the other handwe have facilitated technologies to empower financial regulation. We have built a monitoring system for cross-border capital flows based on artificial intelligence and big data technologiesand improved the ability of cross-border financial blockchain service platforms for foreign exchange receipts and payments and cross-border financing.

The term "innovation" refers to the key role of the domestic market and the renminbi in the process of financial opening,and gets rid of the shadow of "original sin" in the financial opening of emerging economies. The root cause of currency crisis and debt crisis in financial opening of these countries is that they heavily rely on the overseas market and foreign currency financing,and the local currency and its financial assets are not well integrated with the international market correspondingly,leading to serious mismatch between currency and maturity and frequent pressure on the balance of payments. In terms of financial opening,China highlights the importance of the domestic market and the renminbi,which is conducive to enhancing the independence of economic and financial development and preventing national sovereignty,security and development interests from being controlled.


By the Research Group of the Foreign Exchange Research Center of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange