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Building a Modern Statistical System on the Balance of Payments

来源:《CHINA FOREX》 2021 Issue 3

In the early 1980sChina began to build a statistical system on the balance of paymentswhich is an important part of the reform of foreign exchange administration system and an elemental work of foreign exchange administration. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC)the SAFE has continued to develop a high-level statistical system on the balance of payments with the guiding principles of "taking legal thinking as the coreadvanced statistical systems and methods as the basismodern information technologies as the supportand high-quality statistical data as products".

Statistical system on the balance of payments was set up in the reform and opening up

In 1978the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee sounded the clarion call for China's reform and opening up. A demand for foreign-related statistics was generated in participating in the global economy. In 1980China officially resumed its seat in the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

As a member stateChina is required to fulfill its commitment to transparency in statistics on the balance of payments. In 1981the SAFE formulated China's first statistical system on the balance of payments in accordance with the internationally accepted statistical standards and China's actual economic situation. The compilation of China's statistics on the balance of payments was based on the sectorial administration records of the Customsthe Ministry of Economy and Tradethe Ministry of Financethe National Tourism Administration and other national administrative departments. In 1982the SAFE officially began to compile China's Balance of Payments on an annual basis. In September 1985it issued Overview of China’s Balance of Payments 1982-1984 for the first timegiving an overview of China's foreign-related economy and laying a foundation for the development of statistics on the balance of payments.

Constantly building a high-level statistical system on the balance of payments

Under the leadership of the CPCthe SAFE has continued to consolidate the foundation of the statistical system on the balance of payments and enriched the statistical products. It has improved the frequency of statistical data releaseand strictly controlled the data quality. It has also increased the transparency of statistics on the balance of paymentsand deepened the reform of statistical methods. Additionallyit has involved itself in international statistical cooperation and governance. To sum upit has made continuous efforts to create a high-level statistical system on the balance of payments.

Firstconsolidating the foundation of the statistical system on the balance of payments. In 1992the 14th CPC National Congress called on the whole Party to seize the opportunity for development with the focus on economic growth. In order to improve the foreign-related statistical work and comprehensively reflect the foreign-related economic behaviors of market entities in Chinathe SAFE formulated the Measures for the Declaration of Statistics on the Balance of Payments (hereinafter referred to as "Measures") in 1995which was officially implemented in 1996 after the approval of the State Councillaying a foundation for China's statistical system on the balance of payments. From 1996 to 1997the SAFE successively set up systems such as indirect declaration through domestic banksdeclaration of external assets and liabilities as well as profits and losses of financial institutionsdeclaration of exchange statisticsdeclaration of direct investmentand declaration of portfolio investmentwhich initially formed the statistical system on the balance of payments in China. In 2013with the State Council's revision of the Measures as a new starting pointthe SAFE accelerated the construction of the statistical system on the balance of payments consisting of three pillars: direct declarationindirect declaration and special investigation. Following international standardsChina's statistical system on the balance of payments combines comprehensive statistics and key investigationsand covers all types of reporting entities. It goes in the direction of improvement of data collection efficiency and reduction of declaration burden.

Secondenriching statistical products on the balance of payments. In 2002the 16th CPC National Congress put forward the goal of accelerating economic growth and economic system reformand building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. In order to improve the value in use of data and allow data to play a role in productivitythe SAFE has diversified the statistical products on the balance of payments. In 2006China's International Investment Position (at the end of 2004 and 2005) was first publishedwhich was a complete release of our external statisticshailed by the IMF as a "landmark event". In 2012the data on the direct investment flow and stock of financial institutions was releasedpresenting a series of changes of Chinese financial institutions in "going out" and "bringing in". In 2014the monthly data on China's international trade in services was releasedgiving a picture of the development in this field. In 2015the monthly data on trade in goods based on the balance of payments statistical scope was released. In 2015China began to submit the data on Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) to the IMF. In 2016the data on portfolio investment assets of more than 200 countries and regions worldwide was released on a semi-annual basis. In the same yearthe Bank for International Settlements (BIS) announced that China had officially become Locational Banking Statistics (LBS) reporting countryand China began to release the data on its external financial assets and liabilities in the banking sector. In additionthe SAFE began to publish China's Balance of Payments since 2005providing a professional interpretation on the balance of payments situation in China. The publishment of these multi-dimensional and high-quality statistical products on the balance of payments presents China's foreign-related economic performance to the public from different perspectives.

Thirdincreasing the frequency of releasing statistics on the balance of payments. The Balance of Payments was published by the SAFE annually from 1982 to 2000semi-annually since 2001and quarterly since 2010. In additionsince August 2009the SAFE began to release the preliminary data on China's Balance of Payments for the first half of the year with a delay of two months after the quarterand the final data on China's Balance of Payments for each quarter with a delay of four months after the quarter. Laterthe delay in the release of the preliminary and final data on the Balance of Payments was shortened to 40 days and 3 months after the quarterrespectively. The International Investment Position was released by the SAFE annually from 2006 to 2010and quarterly since 2011. In additionthe SAFE published the release schedule of the Balance of Payments and related data for the first time in 2012so as to inform the public of the timetable for data release.

Fourthstrictly controlling the quality of statistics on the balance of payments. Regarding statistical skillsthe SAFE introduced the internationally accepted data correction mechanism in 2010and the release of the Balance of Payments was changed from one to three timesnamelythe preliminary datathe final data and the revised data. Accordinglythe release of the International Investment Position was changed from once to twicenamelythe final data and revised data. The Balance of Payments and International Investment Position for each quarter of the previous year are revised when the two documents for the fourth quarter and the whole year of the current year are published. In 2012the SAFE began to release the Balance of Payments for each quarter instead of the annual cumulative data on the Balance of Payments on a quarterly basis. Meanwhileit traced and published the time-series data on the Balance of Payments for each quarter since 1998 for the first time to facilitate the public's analysis and use of the statistical data. With the emphasis on both quality and speedthe statistics on the balance of payments is committed to presenting more accurate data to users at a faster rate.

Fifthimproving the transparency of statistics on the balance of payments. In 2002China entered the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS) of the IMFwhich is a "statistical access to the WTO". In 2012the report at the 18th CPC National Congress proposed to "promote all-around improvements to China's open economy"and put forward higher requirements for statistics on the balance of paymentsan important indicator for the level of the open economy. In 2014at the ninth Group of Twenty (G20) Leaders's SummitPresident Xi Jinping announced that China would adopt the Special Data Dissemination System (SDDS) of the IMFturning China into one of the few developing countries eligible to participate in the standard. In 2016with the accession to the CPIS and LBSChina completely filled the data gap in the first phase of the initiative signed by G20marking a new development stage of China's statistics on the balance of payments. By the end of 2021China will bridge the data gap in the second phase of the G20 initiative to improve the transparency of China's statistics on the balance of payments to the international advanced level.

Sixthmaking solid progress in the reform of statistical methods for the balance of payments. As the forms of foreign transactions continue to diversifyit is difficult to meet the needs of statistics on the balance of payments with the capital flow information of the indirect declaration on the cash basis. In 2020the SAFE proactively carried out the transformation of enterprise data sourcecollecting directly from enterprises the data on foreign-related transactions and assets and liabilities on the accrual basis. This has facilitated the balance record of "trade" and "assets and liabilities" as well as "debit" and "credit"and reduced net errors and omissionsthus improving the quality of statistics on the balance of payments fundamentally.

Seventhmaking full use of technology to enhance data quality. By establishing an information system and a digital statistical monitoring systemthe SAFE has realized the electronic operation of the whole process of collectionverification and processing of the statistical data on the balance of payments. On this basisthe SAFE has continuously improved the functions of the statistical system to facilitate the foreign exchange transactions. At presentthe reporting entities can declare the data either through the system connecting banks with the SAFEor by themselves through the Internetwhich is convenient and quick to operate. The SAFE can verify the declared data through the built-in verification rules of the system to ensure the accuracy of the data. The declared data is collected and processed by the information system to form statistical products that are regularly released to the public.

Eighthtaking an active part in international statistical cooperation and governance. When presiding over the 27th Collective Study Session of the Politburo of the CPC Central CommitteeGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out thatwith increasing global challengesit is a prevailing trend to strengthen global governance and advance the reform of the global governance system. The rules of statistics on the balance of payments are an important part of the global statistical governance system. As early as 2005the SAFE dispatched statistical experts to sit on the Committee on Balance of Payments Statisticsstarting to make the voice of China heard in the global statistical governance system. Lateras China's opening up continues to expand with new technologiesindustriesforms and patterns emerging endlesslyChina has actively participated in the formulation of international statistical rulesincluding the revision of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manualand continued to convey China's voice and propose China’s plans in the process of formulating new rules for statistics on the balance of payments.

Continuously developing a modern statistical system on the balance of payments

As a significant part of the statistics on the four major national economic accountsthe statistics on the balance of payments can reflect the development and changes in China's foreign-related economycasting a light on the macroeconomic decision-making. The CPC Central Committee has always attached great importance to the statistical work: the 19th CPC National Congress proposed to "improve the statistical system"and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee made important decisions to "actively participate in the reform of the global economic governance system" and "advance the modernization reform of statistics"putting forward new and higher requirements for statistics on the balance of payments in the new era.

Going forwardunder the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Erathe statistical department of the balance of payments will earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Counciland continue to develop a modern statistical system on the balance of payments in the following aspects: firstcontinuing to improve the statistical system on the balance of paymentsand improving the quality and timeliness of statistical data by integrating the general standards of international statistics with the unique experience of China's practice. Secondimproving the transparency of data to show an overall picture of China's foreign-related economy from multiple perspectives and deep level; thirdstrengthening the publicity of statistics on the balance of paymentsfostering the foreign-related transaction entities' awareness of declarationand closing the distance between the statistical system and the declaration entitiesso as to reduce the burden and increase the efficiency of the statistical work; fourthtaking an active part in making international statistical rulesimproving China's statistical capabilityenhancing China's voice in building the international statistical system on the balance of payments and showing an image of a responsible major country.

The author is the Deputy Director-general of SAFE's Balance of Payments Department