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Challenges Faced by Traditional Monetary Theory and China's Monetary...

来源:《CHINA FOREX》 2021 Issue 3

Title:Challenges Faced by Traditional Monetary Theory and China's Monetary Policy Choice

Traditional monetary theory believes that too much money will accelerate economic growth and lead to inflation. As the famous monetarist Milton Friedman said: Inflation is and only a monetary phenomenon. It is the inevitable result of the increase in the quantity of money faster than the increase in output. In this theorythe key determinant of the amount of money is the monetary basethe sum of currency in circulation and deposits held by banks and other depository institutions in their accounts at the central bank.

Howeverthis theory is facing serious challenges: since the 2008 U.S. financial crisis and before the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020the Federal Reserve(the Fed)the U.S. central bankhas increased reserve depositsthe main part of the monetary basedramaticallybut broad money supply M1 and M2 have grown slowly. Not only has it failed to significantly increase consumption and inflationit has also made people worry about the risk of falling into deflation.

But in Chinathe transmission of monetary base to the broad money supply is still smoothand the connection between different measures of money supply and the real economy is still very strong. For this reasonso farthe required reserve ratio (RRR) policy is still one of the main tools of China's monetary policy.

Challenges faced by traditional monetary theory

As mentioned abovein the U.S.traditional monetary theory is facing challenges. But what went wrong with this once proven theory? In my opinionthere are two main reasons:

Firstin the 2008 financial crisis and several years after thatthe U.S. has been unable to get out of the crisis quickly. Because of thisthe risk appetite of the bankingcorporateand household sectors declined. For banksdue to high investment and lending risksthe opportunity cost of holding reserves is very lowso banks would rather store funds in the Fed rather than lend or invest them. Thereforearound zero interest ratethe elasticity of demand for reserves could be very high. This is also true for the household and business sectors: because of the weak economy and uncertaintythey would rather hold cash than spend it.

Secondafter the U.S. came out of the 2008 crisisbanks still kept a large amount of reserves in the Fed without lending or investing. To a large extentit was the result of the Fed's interest payment on reserves.

Since October 2008the U.S. began to pay interest on banks' excess deposit reserves in the Fed (See Chart 1) . The reason for this is that under the excess reserve systemthe federal funds rate is under tremendous downward pressure. If interest is not paid on the reservesit cannot be guaranteed that the federal funds rate is within the policy range. But during the crisisthe Fed had to create more reserves to support its loan projectson the one hand to rescue financial institutionson the other hand to improve financial conditions to help economic recovery.


It is precisely because of the aforementioned two reasons that the increase in the monetary base did not cause a proportional increase in the M1 and M2 money stockand the classic monetary theory of multiple deposit creation and money multipliers failed. (John Williams2011) What highlights this is that both the money multiplier and the velocity of money have continued to plummet and are difficult to recover. Thereforethe view in traditional monetary theory that the chain of an increase in the monetary base leads to an increase in the money stock and thus higher economic growth and inflation has been broken.

Let's look at the money multiplier first. Data shows that from 2008 to the very beginning of 2020although the monetary base of the U.S. has increased substantiallythe money stock represented by M1 and M2 has only slightly increasedso the money multiplier has not recovered since the sharp drop at the end of 2008 (See Chart 2).


Nowlet's take a look at the velocity of money (See Chart 3) . Since 2000the amount of money per unit has played a much smaller role in the real economywhich is reflected in the sharp decline in the velocity of moneythat isthe ratio of nominal GDP to money.


The interruption of the transmission of monetary base to broad money supplyand the significant weakening of the connection between money supply and real economyfully demonstrates that the understanding of the relationship between monetary policymoney and inflation in traditional textbooks is outdated and needs to be revised.John Williams2011

China is still implementing conventional monetary policy

After the 2008 financial crisisthe U.S. has gone further and further along the road of unconventional monetary policy. In contrastChina is still implementing conventional monetary policyso traditional monetary theory continues to be effective in China. In this regardthere are two important indicators that can illustrate this point: both the money multiplier and velocity of money in China are normal and even on the upward trend over the years.

Let's look at the money multiplier first. The M1 money multiplierthe ratio of M1 to the monetary basehas increased from 1.1 times in January of 2014 to about 2 times now. The growth of the M2 money multiplierthe ratio of M2 to monetary baseis much higher than that of the M1 money multiplier (See Chart 4) .


The velocity of money in China shows an obvious V-shaped trend over the past 16 yearsthat isa decline from 2005 to 2012and then an increase from 2013 to 2021. In 2005the velocity of monetary base dropped from 2.92 times to a low of 2.13 times in 2012. The reason was that although nominal GDP grew rapidly during this periodthe monetary base grew faster. After 2012the nominal GDP still maintained a certain growth ratebut the monetary base experienced a stagnatedand sometimes even negative growth rate which caused the velocity of money to rise all the waysetting a new high of 3.07 times in 2020(See Chart 5).


In shortin China

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