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Global Economic Outlook: Mild Recession or Weak Recovery

来源:CHINA FOREX 2019 Issue 4

As the new year approaches there are many concerns about the prospects for the global economy after a difficult year. There has been no obvious bright spot in the global economic performance. Insteadthere have been several lingering questions about what lies ahead. Among themis a global recession around the corner?  How will negative interest rates affect the monetary policies of major central banks? How will Brexit and the Sino-US trade war play out? Will the major world economies reach a basic consensus to maintain broad stability and gradual improvement in global governance when globalization is being seriously challenged? And will these already complex issues become even harder to deal with in the coming year?


At a roundtable discussion organized by China ForexLin Caiyichief economist of HuaAn Fundsand Zhong Zhengshengchairman and chief economist of CEBMCaixin Insightshared their opinions on the prospects for the global economy. The conversationwhich follows in edited formwas moderated by Zhong WeiChina Forex deputy editor.


Zhong Wei: Welcome to this roundtable discussion. In late 2018 and early 2019major international institutions were gloomy about the prospects for future economic developments. Experts believed that under the influence of recession and mounting inflation global economic growth would be disappointing. Major central banks would be pushed to resume quantitative easing and begin another cycle of interest rate cuts. With the passing of timehoweversome institutions have revised their expectations. The IMFfor instancenow expects that economic growth in both the developed and developing countries will be slightly better next year than in 2019. In your opinionwhat new factors have contributed to this cautiously optimistic outlook?

Lin Caiyi: There are three major factors that account for the improved outlook.  Firstthe impact of trade disputes provoked by the United States has gradually been absorbed as far as the real economy and market expectations are concerned. Secondthe deflator for core personal consumption expenditure (PCE) has continued to rise and China’s PMI and CPI have been on an upward trend. The prosperity index and corporate profit data are starting to reflect the positive results of an improved business environment due to cuts in taxes and administrative fees. Additionallythe US Federal Reserve’s expansion of its balance sheet in the fourth quarter of 2019along with China’s easier credit policiesall point to economic improvement in 2020.

Zhong Zhengsheng: The cautiously optimistic expectations for global economic growth are the result of the following factors: Firstglobal monetary policy has been relaxed further. The Fed has cut interest rates three times in this cycle and the European Central Bankat its September meetingcut its deposit interest rate by 10 basis points to -0.50%. The ECB also resumed its asset purchase program. Monetary growth in the US and Europe is stabilizing and China’s social financing has seen steadier growth since the first quarter of the year. Expectations for more financial stimulus have also intensified.

Japan has already launched fiscal stimulus programs while there are further efforts for stimulus in Germanythe locomotive of the European economy. And China’s large-scale tax and administrative fee cut also has begun to show positive results. The service sector is relatively stable. Since the beginning of 2019global manufacturing encountered a significant setback as the PMI of all major economies dropped below 50the level showing economic contractioneven though the service sector held steady. Structural changes within the service industry itself might be the major contributing factor for this result. Meanwhileservices related to manufacturing still had rapid growth. And Sino-US friction is expected to ease as the two sides say they are about to agree on a phased trade deal. More frictions are not likely to emerge until at least the US presidential election is held next year.

Zhong Wei: Early implementation of macro-controls enabled a smooth start for China’s economy in 2019though economic growth still lost momentum over the first three quarters of the year. Counter-cyclical policies gradually took effectand expectations for growth in the fourth quarter improved. China’s economy has encountered new challenges this yearsuch as the impact of pork prices on the consumer price index as well as a decline in auto salesas well as volatility in Sino-US trade relations. What are your expectations for China’s economy in 2020?

Lin Caiyi: From the perspective of overall development trendsthe upgrading of consumption is the core driving force of China’s economy. The real estate sector is not likely to see much of an upturn and auto demand has also stagnated. In first and second tier citiesdemand for autos has been constrained by traffic bottlenecks. Moreoverconsumption data suggest that the growth in demand for educationhealth careentertainmentas well as leisure and other services is likely to be much faster than demand for clothing and food.

Interest rate reforms such as the implementation of the benchmark lending rate – the loan prime rate – have helped make rates more market-based. Since Augustcorporate lendingespecially medium and long-term loanshave increased at a quickened pace. In Septemberthe growth of the overall stock of enterprise financing rose 7.6% from 7.1% previously and M2 realized a year-on-year increase of 8.4%benefiting from an increased supply of credit. Fiscal support for the economy expanded and as a result fiscal deposits fell more than 700 billion yuan in September from a year earlierdoubling the year-on-year decline recorded a year ago.

As for businessesthe indexes for enterprise profits and overall business conditions began to respond positively to tax cuts enacted in the second quarter. Aided by easier credit policiesmost enterprises will have better operating conditions by the end of 2019.

In sumeconomic growth in 2020 will continue to trend moderately lowerbut there will be a number of areas where support for the economy will be apparent.

Zhong Zhengsheng: China’s quarterly GDP growth rate could slip below 6% in 2020but that is no cause for alarm. Let’s look at it from the perspective of the economic cycle. Currentlyinventories of finished goods at enterprises above a designated size are only 2.2%which is already quite close to the historical low of 1.9%. Added value growth in most industries is below one-third of the historical average and room for further production cutbacks is limited.

China’s efforts to upgrade its economy have been accelerated by a steadily rising role of the service sector coupled with greater industrial concentration. In recent yearsemerging services such as big data and the “Internet of Things” have had significant positive spillover effects on productivity. From a policy levelcompared with major Western countriesChina’s monetary and fiscal policy space is sufficient and closer to“normal” levels. Making appropriate use of this at the right time will help ensure a healthy economic performance.

Additionallywith the introduction of support systems and measures to improve market accessa new round of reform dividends can be expected. One area where this is expected is the capital markets. With the decline in the annual fixed deposit rates in developed economiesreturns on renminbi assets will be comparatively more attractive. Foreign purchases of renminbi assets will gather pace. All of these factors will lay a sound foundation for the recovery and development of the real economy.

Zhong Wei: In 2019concerns over growth and inflation drove a worldwide trend towards negative interest rates. Major central banks also resumed quantitative easing policies. The renminbi exchange rate weakened to more than 7 yuan to the US dollar this year. Moreovereven though the US Fed has denied it has begun another round of rate cuttingit has resumed purchases of short-term US Treasuriesor what has been referred to as QE 4.0. T

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