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总第期 2019年12月01日出版

Foreign Exchange Administration Foreign Exchange Administration
Editors Note Editors Note
Macro Economy Macro Economy
  • Global Economic Outlook: Mild Recession or Weak Recovery

    As the new year approaches there are many concerns about the prospects for the global economy after a difficult year. There has been no obvious bright spot in the global economic performance. Instead,

  • Roundtable Discussion on China’s Economy

    On October 1,China celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the course of 2019,the country made steady progress in its economic development despi

  • Implications of the Funding Crunch

    In June 2013,there was a rare “money shortage” in China’s financial market: the repo rate reached a record high of 30%,bond issues failed and yields rose sharply. Massive fund rede

  • From “Made in China” to “Chinese Assets”

    The Sino-US trade dispute has proved once again the importance of the “Made in China” label.  Being at the center of global manufacturing,China is not only providing manufactured goo

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