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The Division of Labor Amid Economic Globalization

来源:CHINA FOREX 2019 Issue 4

The global division of labor is the natural result of industrial development in an open world economy. This outcome leads to industrial transfers-- or shifts and greater efficiencythough this process accompanied by painful economic restructuring. Economic reorganization allows multinational corporations to allocate resources on a global scalemaximize their profits and keep investment and operational risks at the lowest possible level.

The speed and extent of globalization has been hastened by a combination of factors including trade liberalizationinvestment facilitationfinancial internationalization and even information technology. New corporate heavyweights have emerged and joined the ranks of older multinationals.  These companies have been able to take advantage of their dominant position in value chainssupply chains and technological innovation. They play a crucial role in determining the pattern of the global division of labor of the future.

New Features of Globalization

Since the financial crisisthe joint efforts of scientific and technological innovation as well as industrial and structural reform have brought new features to economic globalization. New patterns in the global industrial division of labor and industrial transfer have emerged as a result.

Asia has become the most active region for international industrial transfers. Since the financial crisiseconomic dynamism has shifted from developed economies to a joint effort between developed and developing economies.

The drawbacks of globalization – job lossesstagnant wages and other economic dislocations -- have jolted some segments of the advanced economies such as the United StatesEurope and Japanand this has affected the political landscape. In the USthe Trump administration has loudly proclaimed its policy of “America first” – even at the expense of Washington’s closest allies. This has provoked trade frictions and inflicted serious damage to the framework of global economic governance. The UK has similarly turned to populism as the answer to its economic and social ills. Todayit is still grappling with the complex reality of its Brexit vote – an electoral choice that has dealt a stinging blow to European integration.

MeanwhileJapan continues to see friction in its trade and political relations with South Korea. By contrastChinaIndia and ASEANhave become positive forces for globalizationand they continue to improve their business environment through internal reforms.

According to the World Bank’s Business Environment Report 2020 released in October 2019Asian economies - SingaporeChina’s Hong KongSouth Korea and China’s Taiwan -- ranked secondthirdfifth and 15threspectivelyin terms of providing a conducive place for business development. New Zealand led the pack but Australia and Japan were 14th and 29threspectively. China ranked 31st though it had the most significant improvement in its business environment.

A new round of division of labor for global industry and international industrial transfer is also concentrated in East AsiaSoutheast Asia and South Asia. The World Investment Report 2019released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Juneshows that despite a sharp contraction in global cross-border investment over the past three yearsdeveloping Asian economies have continued to attract foreign investment at record levelsaccounting for 39.5% of global foreign investment in 2018.

There also is considerable room for Asian economies to benefit from further  industrial transfers. Currentlyopposition to globalization from developed economies reflects dissatisfaction with the distribution of globalization’s benefits. In factthese economies have been the leaders of globalization in the pastwith the highest levels of openness. These economies also hope that dynamic developing economies in Asia will open their markets further.

According to World Trade Organization statisticsthe USJapan and Europe had commitments to attain average tariffs of 3.45%4.74% and 5.1%respectivelyin 2018. Their actual tariff levels were close to the targets at 3.45%4.36% and 5.23%. For Switzerland and Singaporetheir committed tariff levels in 2018 were 8.21% and 9.54%and their actual tariff levels were 6.61% and 0.02%.

In contrastChinaVietnamSouth KoreaIndonesia and India committed to meeting tariff levels of 10%11.9%16.48%37.13% and 50.8%respectively. Their actual tariff levels came in lower than their target at  7.5%9.51%13.73%8.06% and 17.14%respectively. Nonethelesscompared with developed economiesAsia’s developing economies still lagged far behind in terms of the degree of openness. Their potential for utilizing foreign capital and undertaking international industrial transfers remains huge.

Although growth has been particularly noticeable in Chinathe average profit margin of the nation’s Fortune 500 companies in 2019 was only 5.3%which was significantly lower than the 7.7% for US corporations and the global average of 6.6%. China’s 9.9% average return on equity was markedly lower than the 15% in the US and the global average of 12.1%.

China's Changing Global Position

Since joining the WTO nearly two decades agoChina has changed from a passive receiver of industrial trends to an important force in the international division of labor and industrial transfers. It has been constantly bringing new vitality to the global economy and has become a foundation for economic prosperity and stability in Asia.

China has long been a popular destination for cross-border investment and industrial transfers. As the largest developing economyChina has stable institutional policiesa huge markethigh levels of consumer demandand reliable infrastructure. These advantagescoupled with continuous economic vitality unleashed by the reform and opening programhave made China a hot destination for cross-border investment.

As a result of the US Federal Reserve’s monetary policy adjustments and the Trump administration’s tax cutsglobal cross-border investment contracted sharply for the third year in a row in 2018. Investment fell from US$2.0 trillion in 2015 to US$1.3 trillion in 2018. The decline in 2018 from the previous year was 13%.

Despite the global contraction in investmentChina’s actual foreign direct investment rose 3% to US$139 billion in 2018. Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce show that in the first three quarters of 2019China actually absorbed US$100.87 billion in foreign investment阅读全部文章,请登录数字版阅读账户。 没有账户? 立即购买数字版杂志