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On the Notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Further...

来源:CHINA FOREX 2019 Issue 4

Title : On the Notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Further Facilitating Cross-Border Trade and Investment


Q: What measures will be taken in order to implement the pilot program on facilitating foreign exchange receipts and payments related to the trade in goods?

A: In the Notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Further Facilitating Cross-border Trade and Investment (SAFE Document No. 28 [2019] to be referred to as the Notice)Article 1 - Expanding the pilot program of facilitating foreign exchange receipts and payments in trade - refers to expanding the regional scope and business scope of the program on the basis of its initial pilot in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay AreaShanghai and Zhejiang. Similar to previous pilot programslocal SAFE authorities will formulate their own pilot plan based on the actual needs in their area. They will then announce conditionsprocedures and management requirements to the public. Eligible banks mayin accordance with the provisionssubmit a filing with SAFE and conduct this business as part of the pilot program.


Q: Article 5 of the Notice stipulates that the small and micro e-commerce companies participating in the pilot program need to have foreign exchange receipts or payments in the goods trade that are less than US$200,000. How can banks and payment institutions ensure this requirement is met?

A: The Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Measures for the Administration of the Foreign Exchange Business of Payment Institutions (SAFE Document No. 13 [2019]) states that banks and payment institutions should refer to the following principles when handling foreign exchange receipts and payments on behalf of small and micro e-commerce businesses. Firstthey should monitor through their own electronic business system the annual foreign exchange receipts and payments in the goods trade by any company whose business was handled by their institution. For enterprises with less than US$200,000 in foreign exchange receipts and payments within the calendar yearbanks can skip the registration in the directory of enterprises with foreign exchange receipts and payments. Secondfor enterprises that are not on the list but have more than the equivalent of US$200,000 in annual foreign exchange receipts and paymentsSAFE will notify the relevant payment institutions on a monthly basis. Banks and institutions then should check these notices against their own client list. Registration of these companies must be completed within one month. In the near futurepayment institutions will be able to receive automatic transmissions of such companies through the SAFE system.


Q: Article 8 of the Notice stipulates that business reports such as trade credit and trade finance of enterprises may be handled online. Which business reports are included

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