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总第27期 2018年03月16日出版

Foreign Exchange Administration Foreign Exchange Administration
Editors Note Editors Note
Macro Economy Macro Economy
C040 undefined
  • Accelerating Reform of the Renminbi Exchange Rate System

    The report from the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that market-oriented reforms of the renminbi exchange rate need to be deepened. Now is the time to accelerate

  • A Look at China's Foreign Exchange Reserves

    In the nearly four decades since China launched its reform and opening program,it has relied on export-driven economic development. Over this period,as part of the growing levels of economic exchang

Dialogue Dialogue
  • Q&A on the Macro-Prudential Policy Framework

    Q:We frequently hear the central bank and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) speak of macro-prudential policy framework or macro-prudential management.  How did these terms come

Finance Finance
C065 undefined